Chapter 10

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Hi y'all! This is a weird ass chapter but YOU GUYS WANTED DRAMA. I mean, it's executed terribly because I can't write for shit but I TRIED. Enjoy

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 Here's a lovely picture

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Love y'all!


Well now I have to go to a fucking party and talk to people.

Talking to people? Damn who even does that nowadays? After getting back to the hotel, I went in my room, to rest my head, and hopefully not overdose on ibuprofen. Then Roy walked in and told me that everyone on tour is meeting and pArTyInG. Justin hired out this old religious place with his white boy money, perhaps for ironic purposes. He simply said we all needed "lots of space" and it was Halloween but I just think he did to do the middle finger to religious homophobes.

Fuck me. Now I have to deal with Bianca and Courtney masturbating over each other or some shit like that. Hopefully Katya and Trixie made up- but I don't get why they're fighting. Well I do but Trixie knows that I like Bianca and I wouldn't get with Kat. So why is she mad?

Maybe I should become a spinster. Love is way too complicated.

I'm getting ready for this weird church thing sleepover at the moment and I think I should go adorable jumper boots realness. It'll be cold- and I low-key want to look squishy for Roy.

The way there to the church was uneventful- but I kept looking outside at the world, something playing on my mind. I could just leave this city and travel the world and do what I want when I want. Society's expectations of course prevent me from doing this. It expects me to find a job, and settle down, have kids. I can't do that unless the anatomy of the man or the process of birth changes. I kinda just wanna be free, and want being me to be normal. Drag has become popular but it'll never be mainstream. Men dressing up as women? What a thought. Gender is just a derelict construct that few have the courage to tear down and people that have the age to know what it was like before protest against destroying it.

Oh well. They'll be dead soon anyway.

Once I get there, I immediately get the chills. The building is fucking creepy to say the least. In the dark, it looks leery and gothic, like Dracula's castle but a lot smaller. I open the door and it lets out this huge creek, opening up to a hall, tiled black and white, the candles out, empty, the carpet a colour similar to blood. Well this must be Sharon Needles' house.

"Hello?" I call out. Shit now I sound like a white person in a horror movie. You know- the one that dies? No answer though. I use my phone flash light and it casts a glow across the room. Now I can see the cobwebs on this place. Huh. They'd make an interesting wig to be honest, I wonder-


I stop dead in my tracks. "Hello?" I call out again, and then immediately scold myself. It's not as if the ghost will answer. They won't be like "oh hi there don't mind me just being dead and haunting this building and stuff. Oh dearie me have I scared you I apologise in advance I seem to have forgotten where hell is can you-"


For fuck's sake. I can't be dealing with this ghost stuff.


Wouldn't it be funny if the ghost just went "it's Britney bitch" and death dropped?

Creak. It's so close now that I start to feel a little panicked. Only a smidge.
Who am I kidding? I'm shitting myself. I don't wanna die wearing this jumper it's-


I screech like a fucking seagull and go to murder whatever is touching me before realising it's-

Oh for fuck's sake. I'd rather have a ghost than this mess of a being. LAGANJA.
"Evenin' mama," she hoots. "I see you had a little fright."
"Oh my god! Why?" I actually wanna die right now.
"It was funny!" She shrugs.
"Are the other guys here?"
"Not yet. It's just little ol' me."
"I arrived before the others? That's weird."
"I was early for once too. That's a Halloween trick in itself."

Laganja shows me to the chapel and we were sitting on the hard wooden pews, talking about life and stuff when she asks the formidable question: "can I talk to you about something?" Instantly every marginally bad thing that I've ever done flashes through my mind. Is she going to ask about the time I shit in my grandma's cat's litter box? The first time I got high? That one time I accidentally shoved a pencil in my ass hole?
"Yeah sure," I say, nervously.
"I have feelings for you."
"Well I just wanted to feel what it was like and- Wait, what?" I stare at her.
"I like you."
"Okay." I'm so confused right now. When had LAGANJA ever had feelings for me? What the-? When-?
"I'm sorry but-"
"I thought Adore was into Courtney?" A voice behind us asks. We both whip around to see BIANCA in all her clown glory, looking as hot as the Sahara desert.
"No girl. It's you that's into Courtney," I reply.
"I'm not into Courtney." Her brow furrows in confusion.
"Aren't you dating her?" Laganja asks.
"Yeah but I've realised I'm into... someone else instead."
"None of your business. Adore?" She turns to me. "Do you like Estranja?"
"No!" I blurt. "I-I mean I do but as a friend."
"Ooo, mama got rejected," Bianca snorts.
"Excuuuuse me, I would rather be rejected than have a face like that," Ganj shoots back.
"Do you want to know why you got rejected? It's because you are the one that has the ugly face. Not me."
"Shut your nasty ass mouth before I make you."
"Guys! Chill!" I say. "There's no need to get all crazy."
"Well who do you like?" Bianca asks me.
The silence is bouncing off the walls as they all stare at me, waiting for an answer. Then we hear the door open and the others come in, giggling like a bunch of school girls- Alaska, Trixie, Katya, Violet and Pearl. They stop once they sense the awkwardness.
"Is everything okay?" Asks Alaska.
"Well, I like Adore but Adore doesn't like me but Bianca doesn't like Courtney and won't tell who she likes but Adore definitely is into someone but also won't tell who so we are waiting for a straight answer from her," Ganj explains.
"Oh wow I wonder who Adore likes," Alaska says. "God what a hard decision. WHO ON EARTH could that be?"
"Gosh I don't know Lasky," Replies Violet, with the same heavy amount of sarcasm. "There totally isn't someone she would die for."
"And there totally isn't someone who makes her fucking intestines squirm everytime she walks in the room," Katya adds.
"What fuck?" Pearl says. "Anyway, it's such a mystery. Who could it be? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."
"It's Katya."
Wait what? We all stare at Trixie in shock.
"Plot twist!" Yells Violet.
"Damn such a plot twist that I didn't even know myself." I am so done with these hoes I swear to god. "I'm not into Katya. YOU are. YOU JUST CANT SEE IT. And neither can Katya. She can't see her own feelings past that raccoon she puts on her head."
"You- You like me?" Trix asks, her voice laced with nervousness, as if she was scared of being assassinated or something.
"Of course I do bitch." Kat replies in an equally intimate tone. "Of course."
Although silence lingers, I could actually feel the sexual tension. I wouldn't be surprised if they started dry humping each other now.
"Violet and I are engaged," Pearl suddenly announces.
They look at each other, stupid grins plastered on their faces- the grins of being utterly in love. I should have seen it coming though I knew it was coming.
"But Adore you still haven't answered the question," Violet has this look of guile on her face. "Who do you like?"
I look at them: Katya and Trixie realising their feelings, Violet and Pearl coming out and confessing their love, Laganja being rejected, Bianca confused, Alaska being incredibly awkward and there for the crack.
I take a deep breath. "I like Bianca."

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