Chapter 11

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EVENIN PEEPS! Ya girl is sooo bad at updating that it took six people messaging me to update to do it 😂  IM SUPER BUSY WITH SCHOOL SO IM SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS SHIT!

Well actually everything I write is shit. This is gonna be a short chapter but it introduces a CONSPIRACY. Get your detective hats on and your magnifying glasses my children...


The silence seemed to connect us even though there were no words exchanged. Only our eyes told a story, as we stared each other down, not quite believing what I'd just said.
Then Pearl broke the silence. "Wow I totally didn't know that."
"Who would have known that Adore liked Bianca? How incredible. I'm stunned," Alaska added.
"So... Wait? You don't like Kat?" Trixie's voice broke with happiness and relief.
"Obviously I don't."
"Rude," The Russian glares at me. "Am I at least hot?"
"No," we all say simultaneously.
"God you guys are bullies. At least TRIXIE likes me."
"You're okay I guess. Sometimes I don't vomit when I see you." Trix looks at her nails, uninterested, but then gives her this huge grin to show she's only kidding.
Alaska gives out this long sigh. "Love is wayyyy to complicated. That's why I'm single."
"Aw do you feel out of place?" Bianca speaks for the first time since I told her how I felt. There's no edge to her voice, she's looking at me like she always does, she seems normal- it's as if she's completely disregarded what I'd just said. And to be honest, it hurt. I would rather her tell me that she doesn't like me than say nothing at all. Maybe I just wasn't built to be loved.

"Hey you okay, Adore?"
I snap out of it to see them all just staring at me. "Huh?"
"What are you going to do about Steve if you like Bianca?" Violet asks.
"Steve? Who the fuck is Steve?" I look at them confused.
"Your boyfriend??" Pearl laughs.
"Oh yeah. Wait how do y'all know about Stevie?"
"Bianca told Alaska, then she told Katya and Katya told everyone." Trixie gave her this fond look.
"Is he really from Africa?" Alaska asks.
"Yep. Very...erm... African?"
"If Id known you had a boyfriend, I would never have said I liked you," Laganja looks pretty... sad? A wave of guilt runs over me. I can't help it if I'm sexy.
"Erm... sorry?" I offer.
"You clearly don't like Bianca though."
"What makes you say that?"
"Her face."

Gasps all around. Ooooooo! I would pay to see Ganj and Bianca fight, not gonna lie.
"Well unlike you, I have love interests- THREE in fact."
"THREE? WHO ELSE LIKES YOU?!" I holler. Honey I can't deal with anymore competition. I swear to god if Madame LaQueer likes her I'll throw some hands.
"I like me," she just replies, grinning like a twat.
"Oh my god shut up Bianca," I say, clutching my head. "You're ruining my life."
"Other way round sweetie."
Laganja still looks dissatisfied. "I just don't get it- why don't you like me?"
Before I can even say anything, Bianca interjects. "Maybe it's your horrible face or dreadful personality. Maybe it's your clothes. Or maybe... and this is gonna shock you. NOT EVERYONE LIKES YOU."
"Woah calm down Lucifer." Trixie prods the Clown's shoulder. "You didn't have to drag her like that."
"That's my speciality. Now why are we stood here like sissies? Let's go and put our sleeping bags down."

A while after that awkward encounter, we all settle down in our makeshift beds. I'm freezing my tits off in this place. For one thing, there's not heating and the windows aren't double glazed. The second thing is that frosty atmosphere. LAGANJA STILL SEEMS MAD AT ME. SHE IS NOT MY TYPE. CAN SHE JUST DEAL WITH IT? I HAVE AN AFRICAN BOYFRIEND ANYWAY CALLED STEVE. I'M UNAVAILABLE!


I don't have a boyfriend. Oh damn I forgot. I'm still single as fuck. And I still don't know if Bianca likes me back. She didn't say but sHE DIDNT DENY IT. Who does she like anyway? I hope it's me. Haha who wouldn't adore THISSSSS?

When the gossiping is over, we all set down to sleep in this really weird castle thing that makes no sense. I've had a catch up with the queens which is good. Pearl and Violet apparently have been together for ages but decided not to tell us. Personally I find it weird. There's something just odd about the whole situation. Hmmmm... I might become a detective not a marriage counsellor...

Right I've decided something. I need to know certain things. Why is Bianca going out with Courtney if she likes someone else? In fact, who is this mystery man? Are Trixie and Katya gonna hook up? Well to be honest I think they're doing that now. Y'all need Jesus.


After showing virtually no signs of liking each other, why are Violet and Pearl suddenly a thing? Why did Laganja not tell me she liked me after telling me she once... never mind. But why?

And the biggest question of all: why doesn't Tarzan have a beard after living with all those monkeys in the jungle since birth?

Mark my words I'm going to find out everything...

Mark my words I'm going to find out everything

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