Chapter 5

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I start hysterically laughing. Oh god. It was only a joke and NOW SHE'S GENUINELY HERE. I actually can't. On a scale of one to even I can't.

Shit. A lot of people are staring so I look at them like

 A lot of people are staring so I look at them like

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"What's so funny?" Courtney asks.
"Your face," Bianca answers for me.
"Stop being mean."
"Make me."

There's a brief silence of sexual tension so I totally ruin the moment and start making vomiting noises.
"Shut up," Bianca told me, but I see a grin hidden behind that scowl.
I smile. "Make me."

We make our way onto the dance floor and honey, I'm ready to FUCKING PARTY.

Katya and I get down, full on doing the salsa. I'm not really much of a dancer but I'm gOING FOR IT HUNTY.

"Did you speak to Bianca?" She tells into my ear, over the loud, intertwined heartbeat of the music.
"Well... yeah. There was this thing."
"What thing?"
"We danced and stuff. And she said kissing Courtney was a mistake."
"In my hotel room."
"Holy shit, Barbara. You're getting laid."
"Look over there."
She turns to see Bianca and Courtney standing pretty close together, giggling like FUCKING CHILDREN.

"Oh," is all she says. "But still- it's progress."
As the music intensifies, Katya decides that this is a perfect time to do a handstand, her legs spread out like a star fish. Everyone starts to whoop and cheer, and overall, being hideously heterosexual. For comedic effect, I hit her ass, and she starts to twerk like Chi Chi, pretending to be into it.
"This is so hot," that one Caucasian Male screams.
"Hit it guuuurrrlllll," Katya shouts, barely audible, but which I obey.
This isn't really where I expected to be: smacking a Russian Bisexual Transvestite's ass in the middle of a club, being overlooked by horny men. But life is life.
Finally, Katya stops and stands up normally, both of us laughing like absolute maniacs. I actually live for her.
"My weave was snatched," I tell her.
"I thought my wig was gonna fall off." She adjusted her blonde hair.
"Hey," Alaska taps Katya. "Trixie just left. She looked kinda upset."
Instant worry formed on her face. "I need to see her."
"Go ahead. Trixie needs you," I smile. She says goodbye and quickly leaves, leaving me with THIS FUCKING COOL SNAKE.
I hang with Alaska for a bit, and down some tequila shots with her. Then we order some cocktails.
She sluuuuuurps it, staring at me with almost ravenousness, tapping her fingernails against the glass.
"What?" I grin.
"How long have you liked Bianca?"
"Do we have to talk about that?"
"I don't know really. It just sorta happened. Maybe it was when she gave me the cincher."
"Cute. You should have told her before Courtney got in the way."
"I know." I look down. "But she would have preferred Courtney over me anyway."
"Don't be dumb."


As the night goes on, my mind goes on. What does that even mean? Don't give me that look. I'm not t-that drunk.

Yknow Bianca looks hoooot. Maybe I should- yeah I should say hieeeee. I walk over to her, leery like a fucking sexual predator. She has her back to me, so I creep behind her and whisper in her ear: "I'm Roxxxy Andrews and I'm hear to make it clear."
She jumps out of her skin, almost spilling her drink. "Jesus Adore!" She clutches her chest.
"Can I g-get your number?" I ask, closing the space between us.
"You already have my number, Cunt!" She peers at my face. "You're totally out of it, chola. I should get you home."
"Oh we're going back to your place?" I suggest, winking wonkily.
"Cmon!" She physically hauls me out the club.
"You're hurting me!" I whine.
"Totally sorry."
"I like pain. I like it rough," I stop, forcing her to stop alongside me. And then, ladies and gentleman, I do something COMPLETELY STUPID. I kiss her.

A/N: Fam, y'all are great. A fun shoutout to you guys that have forced themselves to enjoy this fic. Thank you.

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