Episode 5

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13X05~ Advanced Thanatology

A/N: Since this episode didn't include Jack, so there's no scene to base on. It's gonna be shorter.

Also fun fact, did you know Alex Calvert's (Jack) height is 1.78m (5 ft 10 in)? I'm 1.78m too! For once I'm as tall as one of the boys XD

You and Jack looked curiously at Sam who's putting on some extra warding. Sam explained that there's a case. But only he and Dean will be involved in it. So, as a safety precaution, he's warding the bunker even more. 

You're happy that Sam and Dean were taking on the case. The two brothers needed some time together. 

"Take care of each other, all right?" Sam instructed.

"No problem." You and Jack nodded.

Sam offered his old fantasy DVDs to watch, Jack gladly accepted it. When the Winchesters left, Jack excitedly went to his room to watch it. You stayed in the library, choosing a book to read and do research on. It had become a game for you to pick on what to read. You picked a random alphabet and chose a topic that started with said letter. 

The letter G. Ghouls it is then!

You headed back to your room, glancing over at Ruby's Knife on your desk. You're pretty proud of what you did back at Mia's, it made you feel like a hunter. Sam praised you on your bravery, Dean gave a light nod of approval. You had no idea if he's read the note yet, and you have no intention to ask him about it.

You made yourself comfortable and read for a couple of hours. 

"Y/N! Y/N!" You heard Jack yell.

You fell off the bed, racing into his room. "Wha... What?" You gasped for breath. You saw Jack, jumping around like a little kid.

"Look, look!" Jack said excitedly.

You're not quite sure what Jack wants you to look at. Then you immediately saw it. A floating pencil. "I can move the pencil! Y/N, I can move the pencil!" Jack said.

You jaw dropped wide open, you're amazed. "Jack, that's... That's wonderful!" You exclaimed. "That's amazing! Congratulations!"

"I can't wait to show Sam!" Jack said. His voice was so high. He's like a kid who got a good grade and wanted to show it to his parents.

Something immediately popped into your head. "Jack, in honour of your success, I got something for you." You said.

"What is it?" Jack asked, the pencil was still swirling around him.

You told Jack to close his eyes. "No peeking!" You warned and quickly headed to the kitchen.

You opened the fridge and took out a few beer bottles, revealing a bar of nougat hidden behind them. You quickly grabbed it and ran back to Jack's room.

Jack's eyes were still shut, you placed the nougat into his grasp. "Okay, you can open them now." You said excitedly.

Jack opened his eyes, looking down to his hands. The minute he saw it, he squealed in joy. "Nougat! Nougat!" Jack jumped in joy. "Oh thank you, Y/N! Where did you get it?"

You then proceeded to tell Jack. Back when Dean told you and Jack to go on a food run, you told Jack you had to go to the restroom. But actually, you spotted a vending machine. There's good news and bad news. Good news was there was nougat. Bad news was there was only one left. You popped some cash in, buying the last bar of nougat. You planned to give it to Jack as a surprise some time later, and it looks like the time is now.

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