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"Merlin. Quiet." Arthur hissed. Merlin pouted but stilled so he wouldn't break anymore twigs. Arthur held a bow and he'd knocked an arrow, ready to fire.

Demon sat on Merlin while the other three sat up in a tree. She looked quiet content to watch Arthur as he slowly pulled back the string on the bow and took aim at a young buck that several yards away.

Merlin also watched quietly as the king took a slight breath and then exhaled, releasing the arrow at the same time. It hit its mark without fail.

The small dragons chirped and flew to the fallen deer. They were bigger now. Demon had to curl around Merlin, front claws on his right shoulder while the hind ones grasped at his jacket near his hips, and he'd realized that pretty soon he wouldn't be able to hold them.

Merlin and Arthur rolled their eyes at the dragons and Merlin gestured at them to fly, "Come on guys. You saw Arthur hunt, now go hunt yourselves."

When the dragons finally left Arthur laughed, "You act like their your kids."

"I very much doubt that any self respecting human parent would tell their kids to go fly off into a forest to look for food."

They took the buck back to their horses and waited for the dragons. "Merlin?" The king said quietly as they sat shoulder to shoulder against a tree.

"Yes sire?" Merlin asked. The king paused for a moment before continuing, "I was wondering if you wanted a position in the court."

Merlin coughed and choked before turning to Arthur, "Say what?" He asked. Arthur looked torn, "It's just, you already do more than probably everyone else in the castle. So I was wondering if you wanted to have a position in the court, instead of my manservant."

Merlin considered this for a long moment. He watched Arthur, noticing all the king's little ticks for when he was nervous or scared. Finally he sighed, "No."

Arthur looked surprised but Merlin didn't miss the small look of relief on the blond's face. "Are you sure? Why?"

"Because, I would rather have to deal with you all day then be one of your advisors or what not. And it gives me more advantages than you might think."

Arthur frowned, confused, "Like what?"

"I can get into pretty much everywhere. Almost no one questions me and people usually ignore me because they always assume I'm only doing what you tell me to." Merlin replied.

"And that's a good thing?" Arthur asked. Merlin smiled, "It's honestly funny how stupid people can be sometimes. But yes Arthur. I'm happy where I am now. Also, you wouldn't survive ten seconds without me. Don't deny it!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Merlin." Arthur huffed. Merlin laughed, "Please. You know you got the answer you wanted. Stop complaining."

Arthur made a face and knocked a shoulder into Merlin. "Shut up Merlin."

Merlin grumbled something under his breath and swatted Arthur's arm. "Stop being a prat."

"I'm not a prat!" The king complained. "I'm the king."

"Royal Ass." Merlin commented. Arthur rolled his eyes, "You say that a lot."

"Cause you are!"

"How so?"

"Have you met yourself?"

"I'm a good person!"

"I never said you weren't."

"Then why am I an ass?"

"Honestly Arthur!"

"If I was that much of an ass then i rather doubt you would call me by my name." Arthur pointed out.

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