Isn't That The Truth

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"Yes Arthur?" The warlock groaned, already knowing what the king was about to ask.

"Are you sure we're going in the right direction?"

Merlin scowled, "Why you assume I'd get us lost when I literally can see the path ahead is honestly very disheartening." He glared at Arthur who shrugged.

"I just wouldn't put it past you to accidentally mix something up and set us off in the wrong direction." The king muttered.

"I can still hear you Arthur. And I told you, this is where the man I talked to said that we could find this group." Merlin rolled his eyes and turned to Arthur, who was tying up his horse. "Not to mention I can see them."

Arthur paused, "Oh." The warlock snorted, "'Oh' indeed."

Arthur made sure his sword was fastened securely to his belt before looking to Merlin, "We need to get a quick look and then leave."

"I know. But I didn't want to put the horses too close in case they heard us." Merlin said as he gestured for Arthur to follow him.

The day before, on their way back to Camelot, they had stumbled across a group of travelers. Apparently the group had heard about the army massing to attack Camelot and had told Merlin and Arthur about what they'd discovered including where the nearest, and most dangerous, training camp was located. So Arthur had decided that they'd take a quick look before heading back to Camelot and gathering the knights. Merlin had grudgingly agreed despite worrying that they'd get themselves caught when no one knew where they were.

Merlin guided Arthur through the woods before stopping, "They've got guards but we could get a pretty good vantage point it we climbed up a tree."

Arthur looked around and then pointed to a pine tree, "We could climb up that." Merlin sighed, "Yay. Sap."

"Stop being such a girl, Merlin."

"You say that entirely too much." Merlin complained as he followed Arthur to the tree and scaled it next to him, moving faster than the king with no armor to hold him down.

Once they reached a good spot high in the tree they stopped and looked down at the gorge. There were people everywhere, some were just sitting around while others were fencing or talking while looking over maps or books. Arthur saw some practicing magic together, taking turns teaching each other spells. "How powerful?" He asked.

Merlin studied the group, "Most can't do much than simple spells but there are three or four that seem to be of notable power. And then, the one over there -you see?- he seems to be as powerful as Morgana. That's just the ones I can see."

Arthur grimaced, "That's not good."

Merlin shifted on the branch slightly, "We should he'd back before we're noticed. I want to talk to Mordred about teaching him some defensive spells and I need to speak to Morgana about teaching her some new spells. I also want to see if any of the other knights have any gift for magic. If I can teach a few some simple defensive spells and wards it could help them greatly."

Arthur nodded, "Good plan."

"Glad you agree." Merlin muttered before starting to descend the tree. Arthur followed after, trying not to make too much noise with his heavy chainmail.

When they got to the bottom Merlin paused before hurrying to the horses, "We need to hurry. They're sending a patrol out."

And with that they hurried off, Merlin casting a spell to cover their tracks.


When they got back to Camelot Arthur summoned the round table to explain their situation. Merlin, as always, stood behind him.

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