Mist Falls

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Life is a funny thing I can't remember who first told me that but right now I'm finding out that there is nothing funny about life anymore, nope not for me there is just pain and this hollow dark hole that lives where my heart used and another rotting pit where I used to think my soul was but I'm almost certain that it is dead, it died the moment I did and never found me again after they ripped me back into life but hell I think I'm getting ahead of myself so how about I go back to the beginning and we start again together.

My name is Winter Snow and yes I realise that my name is funny so get the laughs over with now before we start because this talev is not going to be so fun for me or you so you have been warned there my be tears.

I turned sixteen, three days ago and life is good, its my last summer at home before I start collage and I'm waking down the pier with my mum and dad enjoying the first of the summer days.

I look out over the water back toward land and see our little house nestled into the hillside of our little seaside town, I can see my bedroom form here.

I feel the cool breeze whip my hair into my face as I huff out a breath.

After taming my long red locks I look around for mum and dad and see my dad at a stall trying to win Mum a teddy she's laughing and looks so carefree I cant help but smile they both deserve two weeks off, they work hard and are great parents to me and my brother Mike, I just wish Mike could have made it home from his second week of collage but he wants to be a doctor and he attending summer course to keep up with his other love of music I wish he could have been here for my sixteenth birthday.

My mums laugh draws me back to her and I see her eyes light up as Dad wins her a love heart teddy, that says forever your on it, my mum is smaller than me only standing at around four foot eight and has long ginger hair and pale green cat eyes some people still think she is my sister the only thing that gives away her age are the laugh lines around her eyes. She says she's a little chubby but I don't think she is she has more carves than me but she's beautiful everyone thinks so and she has a beautiful soul to match. Mums a nurse loved by all who talk to her.

And as for my Dad everyone in our little town knows him, I am a Daddy's girl though and though he is my knight and a great man to match his great woman. Dad own a construction company with his best friend Jack or uncle Jack to me and Mike. Dad is tall at six foot seven and has jet black hair and dark blue eyes he never wares anything but jeans even got married in a pair, mum said she didn't care it was there day and it didn't matter to her because she was marrying the guy of her dreams.

Me I'm well what you would call an odd mix of my Mum and Dad my hair is dark red it looks almost dyed but in addition to the odd red I have black streaks running though it to but its my eyes that are the oddest thing about me there ice blue and with my hair colour let me tell you it an odd mix but dad says there like diamonds in the sun I don't know what to think of them but I like my odd look so I keep it. I'm tall for a girl standing at five foot nine and thin but not so flat chested which most woman would be happy about but not when your a swimmer they get in the way.

I hear my name and turn to my mum who has managed to walk right past me with dad while I was standing here looking out at the ocean watching the waves as they crash it the shore, I could spend hours just sitting here watching and never even know time had passed.

I turn to follow my mum an dad as an arm grabs a hold of me spinning me around to look into a pair of almost black eyes, he might have been a little good looking if not for the chill running up my back telling me there was something dangerous about him, something I should run from.

"Well look at them eyes boys, they are the coldest eyes I ever seen," he says as his thin lips turn up into a smile, "Where you going sugar you wanna come spend some time with me."

I look around at his friends who are now boxing me in and I start to panic I have never been goof with people always a loner everyone just thinks I'm odd.

"No, thank you," I try and pull of my best smile but I think it comes out more as a grimace, I try and slip past him but his grip tightens on my arm as he pulls me back, Your hurting me.

His face comes in close to mine and his breath smells sickly sweet like he's been drinking and his hand tightens more and I know there will be bruises there tomorrow.

"What am I, to good for you little bitch!" he roars at me and gives me a shake, it happens so fast that my teeth smash together in my mouth, "To good for my brothers, we will show you".

"Hey get your hands off my daughter!" My dad voice yells as he pushes one of the other two boys to the side and grabs my arm pulling me away from the boy, "What are you doing!."

"Dad its ok lets just go," I say, trying to pull my dad away as the boy runs his hand though his greasy black hair, he smiles at me like a real psycho as I try and disappear more behind me dads tall frame.

"It not my fault she was putting it out there all over the place," the boy sneers at me never looking at my dad once, "I will find you again little sugar and when I do you will pay."

Before dad can react the boy takes off and so do his two goons and I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding and look up at my dad who is so tense as he watches the boy disappear into one of the amusements on the pier.

As my dad begin pulling me along looking for my mum I never thought that was the last night I would ever see my mother and father alive. That he would follow me home with his two brothers and murder my family and me, that he would stop my heart and I would have to brought back only to find my parents dead and gone almost three mouths later or that the memories that haunted me would never leave.

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