Chapter 3 : Fox POV

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I leave Winter and close the door and let out a breath, I don't understand what happened to her, not even close, well I read the papers, saw the news, the pain in her eyes though and her eyes they always look cold but there was so much life and warmth there always and epically for me now all the happiness warmth and life gone stolen from her like her mother and father.

I walk in to the kitchen where Mike is sat at the breakfast bar eyes filled with tears as he looks down at his coffee as if he can find an answer there, all of my brothers watch him we may not be related by blood but we are brothers and we will find a way to save Winter.

"Is she ok?" Mike asks looking up from his coffee.

"Yea she likes the room", I smile hoping to reassure him but he looks as though he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"It is time you told is everything," Phoenix says as he pops down next to Mike and put his hand on his shoulder, "You can not carry this alone anymore".

He nods and reaches into his bag and pulls out a thick black folder as he sets it in front of him.

"Ok so Winter blames herself for what happened, she depressed and boarding on either suicide or a break down she has nightmare unless sedated she will not talk to anyone and I'm running out of ideas and on top of that one of the reasons we moved sooner than I wanted to is the bastered that hurt her well the mane ones escaped from jail two weeks ago!" he exclaims all in one rush before pushing the file at me and standing up, "Read it if you like but there are pictures in there yo don't have to look at them,"

He turns and heads into the basement as I stare down at the file in my hand before looking up at the shocked faces of my brothers before I sit down and open the file.

The first page is a police report all of us read it, it says that someone called the police at four am saying they heard screams coming from Mikes house before the call ended and a police officers where then sent to investigate.

There is a side note saying that later Ryan the oldest brother called the police himself after he thought Winter was dead because he wanted the bodies to be found.

The police officers on the scene had chest cameras on and it started there was full video as well as pictures.

The police officer then goes on to explain that when he arrived at the address the lights in the house where on and the front door was open he and his partner entered and saw blood everywhere, the partner knew the male owner of the address and new he head a teenage daughter and took off up the stairs where he found Mike dad stabbed to death forty times.

They went into the daughters room where they found signs of a struggle but no daughter they went into the parents room where they found Mikes mother had been rapped and murdered by stabbing.

The searched the rest of the house before checking the back where they found Winter in the pool not breathing they preformed CPR until help arrived and she was rushed to hospital.

The officer says he saw her on the edge of pool it looked like she had tried to drag her self out she was naked and had multiple wounds all over her body as well as hand prints around her neck.

I felt sick as well looked over the rest of the file more statements but the worst was the doctors amassment.

Winter Snow

Age 16

Stabbed twice in side as well as cut with knife over seventy times on different places on the body, rape kit done conformed rape male body fluid found put in medical coma for own good also head wound and damage throat due to screaming.

What the fuck!" Zeek roars his slight Russian ascent coming though as he slams his hand down on the table.

I turn the page I just need to get it over with, I turn the to picture of Mrs Snow face down on the bed, blood everywhere.

The next was Mr Snow a man who had been a second father to me covered in blood so much blood.

And the last few where Winter snap shots probably from the video on there chest cams her laying face down so many cuts on her back the pool red with blood her eyes open and lips blue.

I throw the file at the wall and drop to me knees and cry how could that scum bags have done that to Winter, kind, sweet, quiet girl who never hurt anyone in her life how could they murder good people.

I put my head on my knees as Zeek fly's off his handle all around me as Phoenix try's to calm him. I look up at the twins Jett and Jax who are frozen with tears in there eyes.

"How the fuck are we suppose to help her?" I ask no one really the question just slips from my lips but the room is frozen around me as everyone thinks about my words.

I Jump to my feet and head to my room, I need a few moments alone just to try and get my mind in order but all I can see is Winter laying at the edge of the pool with her eyes open but not seeing while that fucking shit roams out there free.

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