Chapter Two - Maxon

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At last Natalia's screams ceased, and Maxon could stop staring so intensely at the table. He realized his fists were clenched in his lap, knuckles white with pressure. He unclenched them slowly and looked up.
Next to him, Isabelle's eyes were shut tightly, gloved hands clasped tightly together on the table.
He tapped the back of her shoulder so that no one could see. "It's over," he said reassuringly.
She opened her eyes, and looked down at Natalia's crumpled figure lying on the ground below them. She had passed out once the branding was over.
Isabelle continued to look at Natalia, "I'm truly sorry she had to go through this, Maxon. I wouldn't wish this upon any of my siblings." She put her hand on Maxon's arm as condolences.
"She is not above the law just because she is royalty. It's better that she learned this lesson now." He replied. That's what the rational part of him believed, but she was his sister. No one likes to see their loved ones in pain.
Another guard came to pick Natalia up off the ground. She would be escorted home by carriage.
Maxon stood up from his seat at the large table, "I'm just glad she gets to come home," with that he motioned for his two younger brothers to rise with him and they dismissed themselves from the table.
They were almost out of the building, after all the nobility and commoners had left, when Maxon heard the click-click of Isabelle's shoes behind him, and the gentle swish of her long dress as she scurried behind him to catch up.
"Maxon! Wait a moment please," he stopped where he was.
Maxon motioned for his brothers to proceed to the carriage waiting for them outside.
"Yes, Princess?" he asked.
"I would like to meet with you in two days time. I've received information regarding the-" she stopped mid-sentence, and gave him a knowing look. She was speaking of the Renegades. It was supposedly a group of anti-Ordinance Faeries. Nothing but conspiracies, really, but still.
"I appreciate that you would like to have me included in deciding whatever actions you would like to take, Isabelle," he gave her a slight smile, "but you know you don't need my jurisdiction."
Isabelle blushed fiercely, "Yes, well, I would just like your input. You certainly know the ways of the Faeries better than I do," she gave him a sheepish smile.
"Alright, I'll tell security you'll be visiting the palace at noon two days from now on official business." he said, and with that he left the building, Isabelle smiling sweetly as he walked away.
As Maxon rode back home in a carriage with his brothers, he thought of the smitten princess, the way her eyes lit up when she smiled, and wondered what it would be like if an uneasy tension between races hadn't been separating them.

When Maxon got home, he found Natalia in the kitchen, tending to the raw, bubbling skin on her hand.
"How are you?" He asked. He didn't really need to ask, he could see.
She was painfully thin, and had shadows under her eyes. She was also squinting a lot, as if the light was hurting her eyes. She was paler than she was when she was imprisoned, but her skin tone was typical for mid-January weather. Even with all of that, she was still beautiful. With long, wavy black hair, sapphire eyes, olive skin, and a tall, curvy stature she was stunning. She truly looked like a princess, save for the fierce look in her eyes.
"All things considered, I'm wonderful. Your girlfriend could've sent me to the gallows if she'd wanted to." She replied, not taking her eyes off her wound.
"She's not my girlfriend," he said.
    "So, you've managed to get over your crush in the time I was away," she said back, an intrigued look in her eyes.
"No, I managed to get over my crush when I was 14, Natalia," he retorted.
"Congratulations, honestly. Go get yourself a bottle of champagne, and let's toast to your triumph," she moved to their father's old liquor cabinet.
He walked over to her and put a hand on her wrist, "No way, Natalia," he said sternly.
"Relax," she said, taking her wrist away from his grasp, and placing his hand in high of hers, "I'm only kidding with you."
He gave her a stern look. "How are you?"
She looked at the ground, "It was fine," she looked up at him now, giving him a deadly stare, "and I'd do it again."
She had committed the crime on the second anniversary of their father's death. Though Natalia had never been close to their father, it was the first time she'd ever truly experienced the cruelty of the Ordinance. The palace had been attacked by a hateful group of Human soldiers, and their father, the King, ended up killing one of them in defense. He'd been sentenced to execution by Isabelle's father for his crimes against that Human. They were all forced to watch.
"I'm sorry, Talia."
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Maxon," she inhaled. "Please tell me Lakeland is still here." Lakeland was their pet hound.
When Natalia was seven, the dog was going to be put down because it hadn't gotten along with the other pups in the litter, but she had insisted on saving it, saying that, "Everything living should have a chance at life!" So, their father had caved and let her keep the young hound, as long as she kept it in her own quarters.
"Yes, he's here. In your room."
"Thank you, I'll see you later, Maxon," she said, and exited the room, her long hair swaying behind her.

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