Chapter 24 - Jackson

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Jackson walked down the long hallway to the King's working quarters, each one of his footsteps echoing against the cold marble floors. The castle made the Faerie palace look like a playhouse. It would be perfect. He could still feel Dorian's dried blood coating his hands; he hadn't had a chance to wash them, but his job wasn't done yet.

Hands folded behind his back, he nodded, acknowledging the two guards that frequently stood outside the King's door. Without a pause, the guards opened both of the magnificent oak doors for him. They recognized him from his frequent trips throughout this last month. As he walked in, the doors swung shut behind him. The King got up from his gaudy desk chair, and walked around the desk to meet Jackson. Jackson closed the distance between himself and the King, feeling his sword clank heavily against his leg. The King embraced him, patting him on the back.

"Son, did the attack go as we planned?" Jackson cringed at the word son. It was just a friendly nickname, but it didn't resonate well with him.

"Yes, my King," he responded, bowing.

"Perfect," The King said, rubbing his hands together maniacally. "Were you able to apprehend their leader?"

"No, my King. You will be the first one to know if one of our soldiers has, though."

He thought of Natalia longingly. He detested the fact that she didn't understand his purpose. Some things you aren't meant to change. Some things are better to have under your control instead. The Ordinance was one of those things. He wanted to have her by his side, helping and supporting him, but part of him had known she wouldn't see his vision that easily.

He'd tried to take Dorian, frame him as being the leader of the Renegades, but he'd fought back. And there had been a price to pay. Either way, he would've died. It was just a matter of whether or not his life came to an end while he was hanging from a noose or bleeding out on the floor.

"The time will come, son," The King consoled him, putting a hand on his arm. Jackson stiffened. He'd seen what this man could do. "We've rattled the cage. Now they know what we're capable of."

"Of course, sir." Jackson responded dully. If only you knew of what I was capable, Jackson thought.

"Have you and Luna picked a wedding date," the King asked, changing the subject to his middle child, the one he'd managed to manipulate into falling for him. With a blessing from the King, he'd proposed to her last week. That meant that he was next in line for the throne after the King passed. Unless, of course, Isabelle claimed her right to the throne instead. But he didn't think that would be a problem; she had seemed pretty intent on joining the Renegades last he heard.

"Yes. We were thinking August thirty-first. Right on the cusp of Fall," Jackson said, feigning excitement.

"That's my boy," The King said, embracing Jackson in a rib-crushing hug.

Jackson winced. He reached for his sword, and unsheathed it. The King tried to release himself from the embrace, but Jackson held him there tightly with his right hand. Jackson drew the sword up to his head, and plunged it into the King's neck. He let the King go, but kept a tight hand on his right shoulder. Jackson smiled at the confused look on the King's face.

He scoffed. "There's one thing Natalia's got on you, old man," The King struggled for air. "She knows not to trust anybody too soon." He laughed in his wrinkled face. The King sank slowly to his knees, and Jackson sunk with him, whispering in his ear, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of Luna...and the kingdom...and the Ordinance."

Jackson ripped the sword out of the King's blood soaked neck. He let go of his shoulder, and the King fell backward in a crumpled heap. Jackson stood, staring at the dead man's carcass contentedly. He started to hum a tune from the ball. He wiped off the King's blood from his hand onto the King's extravagant fur coat.

"Prick," he whispered under his breath.

He straightened his collar, and burst through the double doors, doing his best to look startled.

"He's dead! Help! He's dead!" A guard looked at him panickedly.


"Don't just stand there!" Jackson barked.

"What happened?" The other one asked.

"I-I think he was hurt during the battle. There wasn't a lot of blood when I got there, b-but then he just collapsed and I noticed the wound," he choked out, reciting the lie he'd made up a few days ago. It wasn't his best, but it would do for now. "What are you doing? Help him!" He shouted. "I'm getting my fiancé," he said, running off down the hall.

He sprinted down the hall, down the path to his new life. And when he was a safe distance away from the guards, he began to hum merrily to himself again. He was happy because he was King now. He was happy because he had power now. He was happy because he had the kingdom right where he wanted it. He was happy because it felt like he had the entire world at his fingertips . . . except one person.



Hello, my beautiful, beautiful readers! So, first and foremost: Thank you to the moon - no, Mars - no, Neptune - and back for reading my story and coming this far! You are amazing, inspiring, awesome people!

Secondly, I do plan to write a sequel to this book, but first I have to go back and edit this one (or I might do a little of both at the same time. Not sure yet). There will be lots of new characters in the next one and more fight scenes, and romance, and all that good stuff.

In the mean time, don't forget to comment and vote on this one! And if you enjoyed this story I truly encourage you to recommend it to your friends/family/followers/anybody who enjoys fantasy.

As always, thank you, and you will hear from me soon . . .

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