Chapter 5 - Maxon

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Maxon couldn't explain to himself why he'd wanted Princess Isabelle to stay at the castle, or why he'd smiled so much when she'd said yes. It's too late for her to go home, he'd told himself, of course she accepted the offer. But a strange part of Maxon believed that wasn't the only reason she'd accepted, and that he hadn't offered only for her convenience.

Unfortunately, he wouldn't see her again until dinner; he had to work up until then.

This morning, Maxon had gone to Natalia's rooms to ask if she would come to dinner that night; she hadn't attended any of their family meals since that first, very awkward breakfast. He also hadn't really wanted her to come to last night's meal, only because he'd heard his brothers calling her a name that rhymed with witch, and he didn't think Natalia would be very pleased to hear that.

He hadn't found her in her rooms though, instead he'd found her running laps around the courtyard with Lakeland, unleashed, following her happily, tongue out. When she circled around to where he was, he'd stopped her.

"Morning, Talia," he'd greeted.

"What do you want from me, Max?" She asked, pretending to be annoyed.

"I just wanted to know if you're planning on coming to dinner tonight?"

They fell into step next to each, following Natalia's jogging route, "Do you really want me to?" she'd asked.

"If I say yes, will it influence your decision?"

"I suppose," she shrugged.

"Then yes," he said, smiling.

"Alright, I'll come," she'd agreed, "but only of you gag Dorian and Gregor."

"I'm afraid that I cannot agree to those terms," he'd said jokingly beside her.

"Then the deal's off," she said, throwing her hands in the air dramatically.

They laughed, "Alright, but seriously, if they open their traps even once," she looked at him intensely, "I'll set their arm hair on fire and watch them burn while I stuff my face with hash."

They walked further, Lakeland panting between them, "Shall I visit your office for lunch?" Natalia asked.

He cleared his throat, "No, actually. I have a visitor coming."

She looked at him inquisitively, "Who?"

He coughed again, "Princess Isabelle."

She gave him a lifted eyebrow, "On business," he said defensively.

"But of course," she said, jokingly serious.

"I should get to work," he said.

"You should," she stated, smiling.

"I'll see you at supper, Talia."

"You shall," she said, starting to jog once more.

And with that he left the courtyard, cheeks still burning.

When he arrived at dinner, almost everyone had already arrived, except for Isabelle.

"I'm just saying, if prison really had been that bad, you'd be dead," Gregor was finishing saying to Natalia when he entered the room.

An annoyed looking Natalia mouthed to Maxon, thank the gods you're here, and he smiled.

"So pleased you could join us, Maxon." Natalia said formally, noting he was slightly late.

"My apologies, I got caught up with work," Maxon said, taking a sip from the goblet of wine in front of him.

"No need for apologies; we understand you're a hard worker," Dorian said with a wink.

Maxon heaved a sigh, and took another sip of wine from his glass.

"So, where's Princess Isabelle?" Natalia said disdainfully.

Maxon nearly choked on his wine. Just then Isabelle strolled into the room, wearing a pale green gown made of a fine silk, flowing down to the ground elegantly. The gown had a high, lace necklace, and tight matching sleeves. Isabelle wore gray, frilled gloves on each hand. Her outfit was in stark contrast to Natalia's dark gray, mermaid-fit gown and white silk shrug.

"Pardon my lateness," Isabelle apologized as she sat down in the seat to Maxon's right, next to Natalia.

Natalia crossed her long legs dramatically as Isabelle began to speak again.

"I was on my way down when one of your kind handmaidens; I believe her name was Giselle-"

"My handmaiden," Natalia said under her breath.

"-when she told me she had been sewing a dress that she thought would look marvelous on me for my first dinner in the Faerie palace. I told her I had to be on my way and she said that it really wouldn't take long at all," Isabelle took her napkin and placed it in her lap. "I'm afraid she was being rather optimistic," she finished, giggling.

Maxon cleared his throat, "Well, it looks wonderful on you."

She blushed, and Maxon saw Natalia roll her eyes. Her shot her a look.

"Dear Max, I fear you may be contracting something. You've been coughing an awful lot today," he sipped his wine, "and you seem very thirsty." He nearly choked again.

"I'm fine," he said. "Let's enjoy this meal, shall we?"

Five servers came out with plates of food, and Maxon saw Natalia whisper to her server. Within a few moments a glass of red wine appeared in front of her. Maxon gave her a disapproving look, and she shrugged, sipping her wine.

"So, Isabelle, where will you be staying?" Dorian inquired.

"The North wing?" Gregor asked further.
Maxon felt himself blush as Isabelle said, "Yes, I do believe so. There's an empty suite somewhere in that hall."

"Yes, there is," Maxon said, giving each of his siblings a look.

"Where will you be getting your nightclothes? I understand you weren't anticipating staying the night," Dorian asked.

"It would be alright if she borrowed some from me," Natalia offered.

"That's very kind of you, Natalia," Isabelle said.

"Anything for the Crown," Natalia raised her wine goblet mockingly and took a long sip.
Isabelle sat awkwardly, not used to Natalia's sarcasm. Gods bless her, Maxon thought. Now he was really questioning why he'd invited her to stay; he could barely stand his family sometimes.

"Just come follow me to my rooms after supper," Natalia said.

"Thank you."

The dinner dissolved into more awkward small talk. As the night closed and they all got up to head back to their rooms, Dorian came up to Maxon and said, "You know, she's really very pretty."

He punched his brother in the arm and he scurried away.

While he watched Talia lead Isabelle to her rooms he wondered what Natalia really had in store for someone she despised so much.

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