Chapter 18 - Isabelle

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With the winter festivities creeping ever closer, Isabelle had been spending a lot of time with the Northfalls. She worked with mostly Maxon and Natalia, but she'd spent at least a day working with each of them. Living with them was vastly different than living with her own family. Maybe it was because there weren't any proper adults around - at least none that weren't working for them. Whatever it was, it was an interesting contrast.

For the most part, they kept to themselves, getting their work done or just being alone. Isabelle had never had that luxury; her sisters were constantly barging in on her, wanting to talk or go out somewhere. But when all of the Northfalls were together, they were constantly teasing and joking around at each other's expense. Isabelle had already known this was how they were around each other, but it took a few days to get used to.

Another thing, they were all early risers. Isabelle hadn't  ever been. She hadn't ever had any reason to be; her lessons didn't start until ten in the morning, and she'd never had any real work to do. Save for Gregor, they all seemed to view their mornings as a time to get things done.

They seemed to have a different relationship with their servants too. They treated them like equals, but Isabelle's family had never viewed them like that.

The best part about staying at the palace were the nights. After dinner, she and Maxon would sneak away to the kitchen. The first time they went, Maxon assured them they would be alone. All the palace servants ate directly after they did, which left the kitchen entirely empty and inconspicuous. They hadn't kissed again since that magical - and heartbreaking- night in the courtyard, but it was nice to be alone with him talking freely. They talked about everything under the sun: the Council, the Ordinance, their childhoods, their families. All the little things unveiled to her in those quiet little rendezvous could fill a ballroom. She loved them, yet she knew they were only temporary. After the ball, she'd have to go back to being a stuffy Human royal. After the ball, she would either have to forget the Renegades at last, or join them. After the ball, she'd have to forget her feelings for Maxon. It was like a clock was ticking away at the time she had left to be happy. 

Now she sat at the grand dining table with the Northfall siblings, eating breakfast. It was dreadfully early.

"Isabelle, I was hoping you could assist me today. I still haven't found catering for the ball. Maybe you could help me search for some catering companies? I think we have some records of ones we've used in the past in the library," Natalia asked, cutting a piece of sausage and picking it up off her plate.

That was another thing. Natalia had become less...hostile around Isabelle since she'd stayed at the castle. She wasn't sure why, but since she'd kidnapped her, things seemed to have eased between them. Isabelle still wasn't sure what she planned on doing with the information regarding her mother, but she chose to ignore it for now. Maybe she'll keep it a secret after all, she hoped.

"Of course," Isabelle agreed.

"I hear some Hybrid children were hung yesterday. What a terrible shame," Dorian brought up.

"Indeed," Maxon agreed. "Nobody deserves that."

Isabelle shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Nobody at the table knew about her parentage except for Natalia. To Isabelle's profound delight, Natalia continued to say nothing. She only drank her water peacefully.

Isabelle also sensed the awkwardness around the table. After all, their own father had been hung just over two years ago.

"Everyday it seems more people are killed because of the Ordinance," Natalia spoke up.

Maxon nodded, but said, "It keeps order."

"It gives rise to chaos," she retorted.

Gregor cleared his throat loudly, "Well, that's enough death for this morning. What's the agenda?"

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