Chapter 13 - Maxon

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Maxon was glad when he got word Natalia was back from her trip. Though he hadn't seen any of her tutors around since she left, he also hadn't been informed of the trip in the first place. So, he was grateful to find that she was safe and well when he walked down to the entrance of the palace.

Natalia stood there, handing her bags to her servants and waving them away impatiently. She'd always hated having people serve her, but she'd kept them around because she knew that this was the only way many of them could provide for their families.

Dorian and Gregor showed up in the entry shortly after Maxon. He couldn't help but notice that Gregor looked slightly disheveled. His shirt wasn't buttoned all the way, his shaggy brown hair was ruffled, and he looked as though he'd just woken up.

Maxon walked over to him as Natalia was handing the last of her bags to her servants, "Gregor, clean yourself up, please."

He gave him a slightly groggy stare and said, "Sure, your Highness."

He walked away with his hands behind his back, humming a jolly tune. Maxon shook his head and smiled to himself. He knew Gregor and Duke Winslow's daughter, Jane, had been seeing each other for a while now.

Natalia straightened her back and smiled at her Dorian and him. Maxon walked over to her and greeted her with a hug.

"How was your trip?" he asked.

"Very educational," she said sarcastically.

"You know, I never went on any mid-winter trips when I was in secondary school," he said, letting her go and looking in her eyes.

"The curriculum changes every few years, Max. You know this," she said, moving to hug Dorian awkwardly.

Their embrace was full of tension, and Maxon was annoyed by it. They both were too stubborn to try to talk to each other about their problems. But he knew that they did love each other, no matter how they tried to hide it.

"You look well, Natalia," Dorian said to her.

"As do you," for the gods' sake, it was like they were strangers.

Natalia turned to face both of them, and said in an unamused tone, "Any word on Isabelle's kidnapping?"

Maxon sighed, "Yes, we got word that she was headed to her castle just about an hour ago."

"What a shame, the whole instance. Who would dare steal royalty?" Dorian added.

Natalia's shoulders tensed visibly, but she managed to say, "Well, at least she's home," she took inventory of the room. "Where's Gregor?"

Dorian and Maxon exchanged quick glances and Dorian responded, "He seems to have caught something."

Just then, the young prince walked in once more, looking slightly more put together. He immediately went to hug Natalia, which she responded to by pushing him away in disgust.

"Get away, you dog," she said jokingly.
His face flushed, "Uh, what?"

"You're sick, Gregor. I don't want to be," she explained.

"I wouldn't call it sick," he began.

"Gregor, go upstairs and get some rest," Maxon commanded.

"Alright, alright." He said, walking back upstairs.

When he was out of sight, Maxon asked, "Can you two meet me in my office? Ten minutes."
He walked back upstairs in the direction of his office, Dorian and Natalia following and then breaking off when they reached the East Wing, which was dedicated to the royal children's rooms. Maxon had once lived there with all of siblings just down the hall, but he'd moved into the royal chambers when both his parents had passed. Well, his father had passed. He would never know his mother's fate.

He walked into his large office and immediately sat down at his desk. He drafted a letter to Princess Isabelle. He asked her if she was alright, if she needed anything, and he asked her if she would be attending the winter ball. He knew she would, she had to, but he ran out of things to say. His hunger for her words hadn't yet ceased, though.

When he was finished, he gave the letter to one of the guards that constantly guarded his office. As the guard walked off with the letter, he saw Natalia and Dorian walking down the hall together toward his office. As much as Natalia and Maxon looked nearly identical, there was no way of mistaking Dorian and Natalia for anything other than siblings. With their tall, regal gaits and sapphire blue eyes, it was obvious they were brother and sister. But lately they'd been acting as if they weren't.

They reached his office at the same time, and Maxon held the door open for the both of them and walked in after, shutting the door behind him.

"A few days ago, the King asked me to host the winter celebrations," he started.

Natalia's face lit up; she'd always loved the festival and ball. She used to say it was the only time she felt like a real Princess. Dorian looked skeptical. He obviously realized this was unusual.

"With Isabelle's return, there is a chance the honor will be passed back to her, but, if not, I'll need your help in planning," he said. "I can't help but acknowledge that this is a little unusual. Therefore, you should both put your best forth. I'll be in charge of the festival. Dorian, you and Gregor will be in charge of the guest list and security," he looked pointedly at Natalia, "and you'll be in charge of the ball."

She smiled and Dorian nodded solemnly, giving Maxon a sign to prove he was going to take his job seriously.

"Also, the three of you will be taking a short refresher course in etiquette," he added, to the clear exasperation of both his younger siblings.

"Why don't you have to take it?" Natalia prompted.

"Because I have better things to do."

"Like what?" Dorian persisted.

"Being King," he responded, annoyed.

"You're Crown Prince, Maxon," he continued.
"That's doesn't make my job any less important. Now get out of here before I drench you both," Maxon threatened. He used his healing power more often, but his power over water was useful when he wanted to shut his siblings up.

Before leaving, Dorian gave him a once-over. Maxon summoned a ball of water in his hand and gave Dorian a pointed look. He left reluctantly.

Maxon sat down at his desk again, Natalia still standing in front of him.

"Still nothing from the Humans?" She asked cautiously.

"No," he said, running a hand through his cropped hair.

"When you hear from them, let me know," she said with a thread of worry in her voice. Was it possible she was worried for Isabelle? No. She'd hated her ever since she was fourteen.
"Will do, Talia," he stood up and walked to her before she could leave his office. He put a protective hand on her shoulder, "I don't know what's going on with you, but I can tell when something's wrong. You don't have to hide it from me."

She looked at his hand apprehensively, "If you must know, Maxon, I'm going through my womanly cycle right now. I don't really care for your concern either," he took his hand away and nodded awkwardly. "Now, if you don't mind I'd like to go back to my dog and take a warm bath."

She turned around abruptly and walked away, her long hair swishing behind her. He closed his office door slowly, and walked back to his desk. Best not to argue with Natalia.

Before he set himself back to work, he let his mind wander to Isabelle and her sweet smile and easy laugh. He wondered when he would see her again.

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