Getting There

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Teresa's POV

"Tom let's go we have to start driving now if we want to get there on time." I say,when Thomas got his job which pays a lot we were able to afford a car and we both learned how to drive so we are pretty much set.

"I can't find my sword!" Tom yells

I run in the living room where Tom is and I help him look for it and finally we find it.!

I then grab the set of throwing knives and but them in my bag.

"So we all set." Tom says

"Yeah." he says and with that we grab are back packs and head to the car.

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Tris's POV

"Tobias were is my gun!" I scream

"It's on the counter in the kitchen!" he screams back and sure enough It was there. wonder why my gun is sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Are you ready yet cause the train will be here soon." Tobias says

"Yeah.... I'm ready" I say and with that we walk out to the tracks and jump on the train.

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Katniss's POV

"Peeta we have to start going if we want to make it."

"Coming!" He says and then he walks into the the living room with a bag of 2 loaves of bread.

"Seriously Peeta what are we going to do with bread?!" I ask

"Hey Bread is very useful." Peeta says and I laugh

"Whatever lets just go." I says as I grab my bow and arrows and walk out the door with Peeta behind me.

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Thomas' POV

"Teresa I'm lost." I say to her while I drive trying to find my way around the city

"Just go straight and then park the car at a clearing and we can walk from there."she says to me

We keep driving till I find a clearing so I pull up and we hop out of the car and start to walk into the forest.

After about a hour of walking we see some chairs so I say

"Do you think that's it."

"Let's go find out." I say

We walk closer when we see a 12 year old sitting in one of the chairs

When she see's us she jumps up and yells "THOMAS, TERESA YOUR HERE!" The girl says and gives us both a hug.

"Um sorry who are you?" Teresa asks

"Oh sorry my name is 10." She says

"And don't Ask about my name being a number it's just a nick name." 10 says

"Ok did you send the letter." I ask

"Yeah we are still waiting for a few more people so you can take a seat and wait." 10 says

Me and Teresa sit next to each other not knowing what to say.

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