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10's POV
They all sit there processing this new info when Katniss says "Can we ask you some questions."
"sure." I say
"Ok well don't vampires drink human blood." Katniss says
I have been waiting for that question and hating it but I still answer "well I'm a special type vampire you see well I'm not really a full vampire more of a half vampire."
"What do you mean." Tris says
"Well for starters I don't drink blood yet because the molment I do that's when I become a full vampire so I don't have to drink blood and when I run I run faster than humans but I'm stronger than a human but not stronger than a full vampire and that's pretty much it." I say
"Wow." is what they all mutter
"I thought vampires can only come out at night." Peeta asks
"Well yeah we can only come outside at dark cause the sun can burn us but I have a daylight necklace that let's me walk in the sun." I say showing then my infinity necklace
"How do you kill a vampire." Tobias asks
"Well you get wood and sharpen the edge then you take that and stab them in the heart or you rip out there heart." I say
"Oh wow." Peeta mutters
"I know right but moving on." I say
"What else can harm vampires." Teresa says
"Well a lot of stuff actually it's just that it won't kill us cause we heal quickly but there is this one herb called ravain and it's like a poison to us and if a human has ravain in there system a vampire can't compel them." I say
"How does it feel to be a vampire." Thomas says
"Well it's kinda cool but when your first turn it sucks cause every emotion is heightened and what I mean by that is like say your sad as a human but if you are a vampire you would be beyond sad."
"Oh well it's still pretty cool." Thomas says
"I guess so but anymore questions." I say
"How do you become a vampire." Tris asks
"Well it's a long process but first I have to give you my blood then I have to kill you and then since you had my blood in your system you would have come back alive put this time a vampire and you would also we going through transition but since I'm not a full vampire I can't turn any of you guys." I say
"Well how do finish transition." Tris presses
I take a deep breath and say "drink human blood and if you don't you die."
"Wow." is all they mumble out again
"Why are you only a 12 year old half vampire." Thomas asks
"Because that's when I was turned." I say back
"Why were you turned at 12." Peeta asks
I don't say anything I just take a deep breath and I ask my self should I really tell them.
Tris notices that I'm not answering so she says "you don't have to tell us."
But that's when I decide I do want to tell them so I start my story.
"5 months ago I was living happily with my family and friends but one terrible night my house caught on fire and I couldn't make it outside so I was trapped but then someone crashed through my window and I couldn't see who it was at the time but I went to that person and since the smoke was choking me and I could see probarly i burned my hand and my leg so the person ran to me lifted me up and we jumped out to the window in and he ran but I passed out cause of the pain but when I woke up I was a vampire because the person who saved me was a vampire so they gave me their blood but I wasn't healing fast enough because of all the smoke in my body so I died and awoke as a half vampire but my guardian calls me a fledgling which means half vampire."
They all just stare at me in shock.
"Umm.. What happened to your family?" Katniss questions
"On the news the next day I was reported as dead and my family is also dead." I choked out
Tris stands up and come over to hug me and sits me on her lap and she says "I know what it feels to lose family and I know it's hard but hand in there because you will be fine."
"She right 10 you are amazingly bright and wonderful person and you will do fine." Says Katniss
"Cool but who is the person who saved you?" Teresa asks
"Caroline, you obviously don't know her but still she taught me everything and she treats me like I'm he own daughter since vampires can't have kids."
"They can't wow but are there other vampires you know other than Caroline."Tris asks
"Yeah actually I know a lot and they each help out with me and they are like my family now." I say smiling
"When will we get to me Caroline." Katniss says
"KATE!!! Where are you!!!" I hear Caroline scream
"Now actually" I say
"By the way my real name is Kate." I say
"Then why did you make us call you 10." Thomas says
"Because it was funny seeing Tris and Tobias faces."
"Very funny." Tris say
"There you are Kate, I have been looking for you everywhere." Caroline says coming into the clearing.
A/N: I know, I know I'm adding in vampire diaries but my original plot was boring so I had to spice it up but trust me you guys will love it!!!

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