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Tris's POV

"What type of game." Peeta asks weary

"Oh just follow me." 10 says walking into the forest

"Should we go." Thomas asks

"Yeah, we should." I say starting to walk toward the direction 10 went

"What if it's a trap." Katniss says

"What can a 12 year old do." Teresa says

"Let's just go." I say

"Who put you in charge." Katniss says to me

Wow these people like to make trouble.

Before I can do or say anything Tobias cuts me off "let's just go and girls try to be nice."

"Whatever." I mutter

"Tris." Tobias says firmly

I hear a snicker come from Teresa so I say

"What's so funny."

"Oh nothing blondie." she replies

Why in the world does she keep calling me blondie.

"Teresa be nice." Thomas says

This time it's my turn to snicker.

"Are you guys coming!" 10 screams

"Yeah!" Peeta screams back.

At that we all start walking and soon catch up with 10. Once we get there I see a 2 sets of obstacle courses set up.

"Really a obstacle course." Katniss says looking a little relieved.

"Let me explain but first boys on one side girls on the other."

We do what she says. Now that I think about it 10 is really bossy but in a way I can tell she is really nice.

"Ok so as you can see its a obstacle course." 10 says

"First you must jump over all of hurdles then after that you see a target and three knives well once you get there grab one knife and aim for the target and throw but it must hit dead center for you to move on and once you do then you must climb over that ladder to the other side and once you are done run back to your team and the next person go's." 10 explains

We don't speak for a while just exam the course till Tobias speaks up first

"Where in the world did you get this stuff."

10 just smiles and says "you have 7min to talk over your plan with your team mates."

"Starting Now!"10 screams

Teresa and Katniss turn to me and we just all glare at each other for who knows how long till I say something

"Ok we all might not like each other but we have to work as a team to win cause I want bragging rights and I know you guys do to."

"Your right." Teresa says

"Let's do this, what the plan?" Katniss asks

"Ok so the hurdles are are tall but not that tall so Teresa you should go first since you have longer legs and I can tell you are a fast runner." I say

"Wow you are very observant." She says back

"Yeah I know but back to business, so maybe Katniss you go second depending on who the boys have going second." I say

"What do you mean." she says

"Well let's say Tobias go's second well he has deadly straight aim and I can tell you are better with a bow then knives so if Tobias is second I should go second." I say

"Ok makes sense and how did you know I was good with a bow." She says

"Observant." is all I say

"Ok Times up." 10 says

We all line up with Teresa first then Katniss then me. I then look at the boys and see there order, turns out Peeta is going first and Tobias is going last.

"Ready set GO!" 10 screams

And then there off Teresa gets through the hurdles with ease with Peeta only a second behind her then Teresa grabs a knife and throws and it hits the center and she is off running toward the ladder with Peeta only a foot behind. Teresa climbs up and down the ladder and is running toward us and before I know it Katniss it on the hurdles with Thomas close behind then she throws the knife and it was lands in the center but Thomas is already on the ladder then Katniss runs to the ladder and climbs up and down and then runs toward me.

Katniss is back and Tobias is already on the first hurdle so I run and jump so fast it was practically a blur and then I grab a knife and breath, aim, and throw and it hits dead center so I run to the ladder and when I get there I see Tobias there to and I know it's my chance cause Tobias has a fear of heights so I climb up and down but when I get down Tobias is there to and we lock eyes and then I run and I mean run and finally I make it back to the girls and I see Tobias just then get to the finish line.

"Wow Tris I didn't know you were that fast." Teresa says

"Me....either." I say I between breaths

"The winner is......THE GIRLS!!" 10 yells

We all jump up and down and hug each other.

"We did it." Katniss says

"We are awesome." I say and we all laugh

"Ok guys let's go back and eat some of the bread Peeta brought and I all so brought water for all of you so let's go." 10 says

"Thank God." I say

And with that we all walking back laughing and joking at each other.

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