More Vampires

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Kate's POV

"Hi Caroline." I say smiling and going over to give her a hug
"Hi Kate, I have been looking every where for you I was starting to get worried." Caroline says hugging me back
"I'm ok I was with them." I say gesturing to the people behind me who were all staring at us
"Well who are they." Caroline says pulling me back some
I pull a way from Caroline's grasp and say "There not going to hurt me they are my friends now."
"Ok well what are there names." Caroline says eyeing them suspiciously

"That's Tris, Tobias, Katniss, Peeta, Teresa, Thomas." I say pointing to each one of them

Caroline just nods then says "Well come on Kate we have to go before Klaus comes and starts looking for us and you know that won't go well."

"Who's Klaus?" Teresa ask

"My very over protective boyfriend and if we don't get back soon he will start to freak out." Caroline answers

"Can they come with us..... please they can help us." I say to Caroline

"How can they help us?" Caroline says

"Well Tobias and Tris are trained in hand to hand combat and are great with guns and knives."

"Peeta is very strong and Katniss is amazing with a bow."

"Thomas and Teresa can fight and are both very very smart." I say explain to Caroline

"Alright fine." Caroline sighs

"How are we helping you." Tobias asks

"We will explain later." I answer

"What's going on Kate?" Tris asks

"You all with come with me and Kate and stay at the boarding house where you all with be trained to fight and kill a vampire so you can help us." Caroline says

"WHAT!" Katniss screeches

"Katniss trust me it will be fun and nothing will happen to you guys just trust us." I say

"We need to leave; follow us." Caroline says

"I call shot gun!" I say excitedly

"Where are we staying again?" Peeta asks

"The Salvatore Boarding House." Caroline states

"What's that?" Thomas asks

"It a boarding house and the owners are vampires." I say

"Caroline is everybody going to be there?" I ask

"Yeah we are all going to be staying there for the next couple of weeks."

"Who is everybody?" Teresa asks

"The rest of my friends, who are vampires." I say

"Great we are going to be with a house full of vampires." Katniss mutters

"Heard that." Me and Caroline say at the same time

"Oh right super hearing." Katniss says

We finally reach the car then everyone piles in with. Caroline starts the car and I say

"Of to the Salvatore Boarding House."


A/N: Long time no see guys! But sorry for taking so long to update and I hope you in joyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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