Watching Her Love Someone Else -Fifth Harmony FanFic (Camren)

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How do you watch the one person you truly loved, love someone else? How do you walk away, and say you don't love her? But, most of all how do you forgive yourself, for loosing her?

Every-time I see her with him it breaks a little bit of my heart. Seeing her laugh at his dumb jokes or how she would snuggle in his arms, like she did to me, all those little things tear me apart. Knowing I had her once, knowing she loved me, but I ruined it. But, I think the hardest part is when we bump in each other on the street or at school, but all I get is a weak smile from her. Both of us pretending we never knew every little thing about each other, that we were never once in love. But, at least I know the brown-eyed girl, that stole my heart, will be taken care of and that she will be treated like a goddess, like I should have.

Days, weeks and months go by, and I still love her. Her name is still written on my heart, it will always be Camila's. If I could go back in time I would, I'd change everything. I would hold her, instead of letting her fly away. I'd give her my heart, instead of giving her my cold shoulder. I'd tell her I love her, instead of yelling.

I remember the dreadful night like it was yesterday, even if it was 6 months, 3 weeks and 2 days ago, but whose counting.


I run my hand through my hair, in frustration. It's just another night of fights, with Camila, we've been having a lot of them recently. I hate having them with her, but it just seems like trouble keeps following us. I try my hardest to make her happy but I guess it's not enough, I'm not enough.

"I'm not cheating on you! Why can't you believe me?" I scream at Camila

"Well it's kind of hard to believe MY girlfriend isn't cheating on me when I see her holding hands with another girl!" Camila yells back, louder "I saw you whispering things in her ear and you guys laughing. You guys were probably talking about how stupid I am. Weren't you"

"NO! I would never do that to you."

Why can't she see I'm telling her the truth. All she is a friend, maybe we were a little touchy but its just how we are.

"I swear to you, Camz, I'm not cheating on you she's just a friend. Okay" I say trying to stay calm.

"No! I don't believe you. You cheated on me once who said you wouldn't do it again" I can see her eyes start to water.

"Ugh...Why do you keep bringing this back up? It was a mistake and anyway I didn't really cheat on you since you broke up with me" I can hear my voice getting louder and more angrier. I cheated on Camila once before, but we decided to try 'us' again. I told her I wouldn't do it again, and I meant it. I told her my love for her has became stronger, and it has. But instead of it bringing us more closer and our trust/love becoming more stronger, it just seems like we drift apart more every day.

"Are you serious? are you really trying to pin that on me and I never broke up with you. All I said was we needed some space. So, the first sign of difficulty you go sleep with some random guy"

Does she really think I would do something like that again. I promised her I wouldn't and that she was the only girl for me. I love her.

"I'm sorry Camila I shouldn't of said that and I get where your coming from. If I saw you do that with another girl I'd probably act the same way as you. But I'm telling you the truth this time she's just a friend, she's not even gay. I love you and only you" I just hope she believes me. I move forward, to hold her, but she moves back and hits my arms away. Now, that hurt, I can tell she can see the pain in my eyes but she continues fighting with me.

"Your lying I know you are!" Camila screams with tears streaming down her face. She picks up the lamp, to her left, and throws it across the room.

"Your so stupid! I'm not cheating on you with her but maybe I should because she would treat me better than you and actually make me feel something when we have sex!" I shout on the top of my lungs. I cover my mouth when I finally realise what i said.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Camila cries out, she wipes the tears spilling from her eyes but more come keep dripping down her face. A stab to the heart, with every word that slips out of her mouth. I know she's breaking down inside, but I can't help her.

"I'm so sorry. I di-"

"No you're not if you were you wouldn't of said that" Camila interrupts me.

Camila pushes past me, to reach the door and slams it shut on my face. I run after her but she's too fast and I loose sight of her. I did it, I screwed everything up again. I swore I'd never do anything to make her cry, but like everything I do I broke my promise.

I run through the apartment hallway, and bang on the elevator button, surprised it didn't break. The doors finally open, and I slowly get carried back to the ground floor. The agonizing wait eats mw alive, can't this lift go any faster. When the elevator finally reaches the bottom I run out the elevator, and push the apartment doors open. I get the col breeze brugh in my face, and I shiver.

"Camila where are you? I'm sorry just please come back" I scream on top of my lungs, into the abandoned streets. "Please Camila...please" I whisper.

I search the streets for her, but all I see is her figure running away until there's nothing there. I know it's over, I know this will be the last time I will ever call her mine.


That was the last time we actually had a conversation. It just hurts knowing that we never ended on a good note. But, I guess relationships never end well. I think the hardest part was that I never said good-bye. It may sound weird but I just wanted to say sorry to her, I wanted to try and mend the wound that I made bigger. But the time I got home, the next day, all her stuff was gone. All she left was a letter, on the bed. After everything we had, all she leaves is a letter. She could of at least let me see her, I know it would be mostly her yelling swear words at me, but it still would've been a good-bye.

So, instead of me saying bye to her I say goodnight to the moon, just hoping she's doing the same and looking for the answers in the dark sky.


"Dinah, just tell her I'm sorry" I plead to the Polynesian girl.

"You know I can't do that" Dinah gives me sorry eyes.

Dinah is Camila's best-friend, and the only way I can get to her. Because, I know Camila will never let me talk to her in person, especially with her boyfriend following everywhere she goes. Both me and Dinah knows Camila still has feelings for me, but she keeps refusing any contact with her. I don't even know where she lives, I just see her all the time, reminded how I screwed everything up.

"Please, Dinah, that's all I want just tell her I'm sorry" I beg her, again.

"Camila has finally got her life back together, and she's actually happy, so d-"

"Happy with what? Her fake boyfriend" I interrupt her.

"Yes" Dinah says cold-heartly, her face starting to tense up. "She's happy, with her boyfriend, and I don't want her to be that ruined little child again because I bring up her ex-girlfriend. I shouldn't even be talking to you, Lauren, just go back to class and leave me and Camila alone" Dinah walks away from me, and disappears in the swarm of kids. I try to yell for her but she ignores me.

I see Normani and Ally giving me sympathetic looks, from the lockers. They've been my best-friends since forever, and they were such a big help these past few months.

It's the first day of senior year, Normani and Ally can't believe this the last year of school. But all I'm thinking of is how this will be the last year of seeing Camila, next year she will be leaving for college. She'll go to Harvard and I'll go to Yale, both of us taking our seperate ways.

But I'll promise you this, me and Camila's love will never end. If it does, then I'll finally get my good-bye.



So this is my first chapter and i just want to know do you like it? Should I continue?

And I just wanna say I didn't make the cover of my book, so credits go to the person who did.

Watching Her Love Someone Else -Fifth Harmony FanFic (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now