5 minutes

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Have you ever fallen in love? Have you ever had the warm feeling you get every time they laugh, or every time they shine their cute little smile. And every time you're with them you feel like you're floating in the clouds.

But, reality is you're not floating you're actually literally falling, your bones are breaking and your heart is chipping away.

You just don't realise it, because that person you've 'fallen in love' with is numbing the pain of that fall. All the whispering in the ear, the kisses on the neck and the warming hugs, is just morphine to take the pain away.

And as soon as they leave, you feel it. You feel the bone-cracking fall, you feel everything around you fade away because you're just consumed by the sorrow and hurt. Every time you look back at the memories it hits you because you know you'll never be like that again. Because all they were ever doing was numbing the fall.

And that's how I feel now, numb.

Alejandro looks down to his feet and breathes out a heavy sigh. I can feel the frustration seeping out of him, I feel bad but I really don't care.

"Please, sir" I say one final time in a hush, that could of easily been muffled over by one cough.

"Okay, Lauren" I jump up and hug him to death, I pull back and thank him.

"Only 5 minutes, then you have to leave"

"That's fine with me" I honestly don't care how long I get with Camila as long as I get any time with her.

Alejandro ushers everyone out, as Jacob walks out I give him an evil glare. I can't believe he has the audacity to show his face, he's such a jerk.

I thank Alejandro and Sinhue one more time and walk into the small stuffy room.

I close the door behind causing me to be secluded from everyone else. I can hear the little beeps from the machines, and the little breaths Camila is taking in, from her swollen lips. She's dressed in a white hospital dress, stopping at her knees. Wires sticking from her and two tubes connecting to each other descending from her nose. Cuts and bruises all over her body. It hurts me seeing her in this kind of state, and I was pretty much the cause of this.

I run my hand over her cold skin, which still gives me comforting tingles. I brush the bits of hair that's cascaded over her beautiful face. She's like a masterpiece, so beautiful and so rare, that can never be perfectly duplicated.

"I'm sorry, Camz" My voice cracks and my lips trembles "I really am"

I slide my hand to hers, which is laid beside her, and I take it in mine. I feel a little bit of pressure on my hand, a little stir from the bed. Soft groans filling the quiet room and the bed rocks a tiny bit, from the small movements Camila is making.

My eyes stare into her, pretty much penetrating her body. Camila's hand is now fully gripping onto mine, I can see the red leaving and bits of white trailing over my hand.

"Camz...just tell me you're okay" I beg her to reply to me. "Camz?"

A groan answers me. Which causes a smile to appear on my face. Her eyes slowly flicker open, showing her marvellous brown orbs. Her eyes travel from my face to our hands then back to my face, the Camila's grip loosens and she pulls it away. A deep sigh escapes my lips. I drop my hands to my side.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I try again, but Camila beats me to it and says something.

"Wh-who are y-you" She stutters out in a whisper.

Distress spreads over my face, as I finally realise what she just said. what does she mean 'who are you'? Has she really forgotten who I am?



I know I said I'll make it longer but I just wanted to fit this in, and I may not update in a while because I have a lot of assignments exams coming up :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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