Did She Make It?

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The waiting always kills me, sitting uneasily in this uncomfortable chair. Keep looking to the door, if the doctor would finally tell me what's going on. Reading the posters on the wall, to try and get everything out of my mind. Listening to the people around me coughing and telling their children to behave. All of it, I just hate it.

I finished answering the questions with the cops, and I've been waiting in this germ infested hospital for 5 hours now, and still no information about Camila's progress.

The waiting room couldn't be more depressing, with it's grey murky walls and the hard plastic chairs everywhere. Only one window, letting you see into the hallway, but even that's blinded up. Posters that's suppose to make you happy and have hope, suppose to. Magazines thrown everywhere, with pages ripped out and faces with moustaches drawn on to. Toys and books for little kids to play with in a corner, but it just makes more of a mess.

I wipe another tear that manages to escape my eyes, the tears have slowed down but I can tell my eyes are puffy red. A man in his mid-twenties, wearing a white coat, walks into the waiting room catching my eye. He has brown curly hair, with light golden streaks through them. Brussels of the chocolate-like hair on his face, that he really needs to shave. Dark blue piercing eyes, that could make any girl melt, and a very structured jaw, that makes his face really defined. He's pretty fit and good looking, you can tell he works out regularly. His muscles in his arms showing through his coat, either he was given a size too small to impress the female staff or his just a prick trying to impress the ladies.

"Ms. Jauregui?" the doctor calls out, I stand up and walk up to him. The doctor puts out his hand and I take it.

"I'm Dr. Reece" Dr reece introduces himself, I nod. He directs me outside of the room, into the hallway. People sometimes walking by, and chairs laid down the hall, but besides that no one else is seen.

"So, is she alright?" I rush before Dr Reece can get a word out of his mouth.

"Umm..." Dr Reece moves his head, trying not to make eye contact.

"Is she alright?!" I say louder and more firmer, my patience slowly pealing away. Making Dr. Reece snap his eyes into my green beady ones.

"I-I'm" Dr. Reece stutters, sweat dripping down his face. "I'm sorry, Miss Jauregui, but she didn't make it" He gives sorry eyes, which looked like a little child who just broke their mother's vass. I can feel time stop, and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears, they sound like elephants stomping in the savanna. Everything around me slows down, I can see Dr. Reece's mouth slowly open and close but I can't make out anything he's saying. Everything just stops.

"I'm sorry..." I finally comprehend what's coming out of his mouth.

A nurse runs up, behind him and whispers something in his ears. He turned around and looked to his fellow co-worker. The nurse said a few more things, then both of them ran away, turning the corner of the hallway. Leaving me standing there in desbelief, because I can't make myself believe what just happened actually took place

I step back and fall into a chair, near me. I can feel everything around me tumble down, everyone fading away, leaving me to cry in my sorrow. My body slowly turning numb and my heart forming into a cold and dead one. My body now a shell of a woman, and no one to heal me. No one to kiss my boo-boos. No one to bandage up my wounds. No one to kiss me goodinght. No one to sing to me when I'm restless. No one to make me burnt pancakes. No one to hug when i'm cold.

No one, just no one. And, that will always haunt me, like the ghost of me and Camila's love, always.

Now, she'll never be mine again...


Sorry, don't kill me but i had to do it.

And I just wanna say, Happy birthday to Normani. I'm just so proud of all of them, and how far they've come.

I remember watching her audition and now they're all soon(even if it's going to take forever) releasing their first full album, their new single, having another tour and opening Austin Mahone's tour.

Happy birthday Normani and have a great day. Hope you eat all the cake and chicken wings you can get your hands on:)

Watching Her Love Someone Else -Fifth Harmony FanFic (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now