Mr. Mysterious

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Chi-chi  laid down absolutely exhausted from her long journey.  Shifting into her human form before she lost consciousness. She was barely aware of what was going on around her. Hearing wolves howling around her and they were steadily growing closer to were she was at. Fear began to race through her heart but she just couldn't seem to wake up. It seemed like her body had just shut down and refused to move. Then she began to hear voices around her.

Damon's POV

Deep in thought with piles of paperwork in front me. Rubbing the stubble steadily growing on my chin and face. Feeling a familiar pressure in my head as someone tried to contact me from the pack. Opening the link up I heard my Beta Adam franticly speaking, "Alpha there is a strange scent on the air I'm not sure what it is. There is no tracks or scent leading into the territory but the scent is coming from the middle of the territory."

"Okay I'll be right there," I linked back to him. Standing up from the desk pushing the chair against the wall. Quickly making my way to the front door I shifted into my snow white wolf and took off towards the middle of our territory. Breathing in trying to pick up the scent, that my Beta Adam had picked up, but I was having trouble catching it. Then the wind changed direction blowing the scent directly in my face. My wolf went crazy screaming in my head it was almost deafening. "Mate!" he screamed, "We must find her."

We raced to were the scent grew stronger entering a clearing were she was surrounded by my pack. Someone had covered her nudity with some clothes that we had stashed all over the territory. Shifting back into my human form I walk up to my mate afraid that she's hurt. Kneeling down taking in her features she had beautiful white hair that was long with a slight curl to it. Her skin was the color of her hair with an almost white appearance. Gently stroking the hair from her face I felt the tingling sparks race through my hand. Looking around the rest of the wolves I smile at them. "This is my mate and soon to be your Luna hopefully," he said looking down at her.

"Is she going to be okay," Scott my best tracker asked concerned. He was a tall lanky teenager that turned out to be one of the best trackers I had.

"I think so I don't  see any injuries on her but lets get her to Dr. Colt just in case." he said as he gently picked her up in his arms. Tingles shot through him were ever her bare skin touched him. "Your safe now my love, my mate forevermore." he whispered to her. She seemed to snuggle closer to him and he couldn't help but smile as he took off towards the pack house. "Dr. Colt I need you to be ready for me I'm bringing in my mate though I don't see any injuries on her but she is unconscious for some reason." I linked to my friend the pack Dr.

"Okay I'll be ready for you my friend," He linked back to me.

Carrying her through the house and into the medical room. Dr.  Colt was waiting for us at the examination table.  Tilting his head respectfully before speaking. "Please place her right here and I'll get to work on her. "

Nodding my head I placed her gently on the table. Dr. Colt placed a blanket over her and got to work checking her vital signs. "Alpha if I may I need to get some fluids into her which means that I need to put in an IV. Could you please step out I don't wish to get hurt."

Growling at the thought of him even coming close to her with a needle. I step up towards him with fists balled up ready to fight as my eyes flashed as my wolf tried to take control.

Colt bowed his head in submission,  "Please alpha I only have your mates best interest in mind." he asked quietly backing away slowly.

Nodding my head slowly backing away from Colt barely keeping my wolf under control. Turning around I walk out the door of the medical room. Putting my back against the door I waited for the Doctor to give me the all clear.

Finally a few minutes later the doctor opens the door with his head down in submission. "Alpha everything looks okay she's in great need of rest and fluids. I'm not sure when she'll wake though but it shouldn't be very long. I'm going to run a few more tests I should have some answers for you in a couple of hours." he explained to me.

"Thank you Colt. I'm sorry about how I acted earlier I just can't seem to help it I'm so protective over her already." I said with a smile. Looking into the room my heart swelled with love as I looked at my mate on the bed.

"I understand Damon I would be protective over my mate as well if I was to ever meet her," he said solemnly turning and leaving me alone with my mate.

Smiling gently I walked into the room and laid down next to her.  Getting comfortable I pulled her close and fell asleep.

Chi-chi 's POV

Unable to wake up I was kinda in a panic until I started hearing the voices. One voice stood out  above the others. He sounded powerful and strong. His voice grew closer and then he touched me. Tingles shot throughout my body as he touched my face.

Shortly after he touched me he picked me up and carried me at unusual speed. Arriving at our destination he gently put me on a soft bed. But the smell of alcohol and antiseptic was almost over whelming.

Fear shot through me as my man let out a terrible protective growl when the other man suggested an IV. But soon everything went quite and the other man came up to me. Feeling a light sting on my right wrist and cold fluids filled my veins. " There we go Luna you should be feeling better soon. And when you do I can't wait to hear your story. But get some sleep you are completely exhausted and need to regain your strength." the strange man suggested.

Drifting off into a restful sleep but was soon awakened when my mate crawled into the bed and pulled me close to him.

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