A Rose

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There was a rose
A beautiful rose, kind and sweet
Smiling and blooming

A rose filled with love
A rose that poured love to everyone who came to her
A rose that saw love in everyone's heart
She believed everyone is the beautiful one
Beauty within their hearts
Hearts filled with love.

She admired the kind and the beautiful ones
Greatness inspired her
Yet, she loved the broken ones

She knew none were evil by birth
Everyone was a child once
And have a child living within them forever

She understood the bitterness
The life had given to them
She felt the pain and the suffering they had
So, she poured her love even more to them
For they are the children from the heaven

She knew that everyone walks a different paths
Paths that makes us different from one another
Yet the child within us are the same
The same being that is living in the earth.

Everyone saw her as soft and kind
Kind and very fragile
Delicate and weak
The weakness that people despised.

She got tore and torn
Stoned and thrown
Picked and plucked
from the heaven she lived.
Yet she loved them all
and kept pouring the kindness she had.

She lived through the storms and thunder
that the life had brought
Ever standing tall
Still pouring her love.

(To be continued)

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