The Lost Soul

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Through the bits and pieces of everything
I try to find myself
collecting the scattered pieces
I try to rearrange myself.

The lost me and my lost soul
The soul that I had caged in gold vessel.

In bits and pieces of everything
I see myself
Again i lose it like the gold vessel.

I build a dream and I sow it with hope
I lose myself and then the hopes
The light I had and the faith in life
Jumbled mind and lost paths.

Then I am left with a new canvas
A bucket full of clay
Canvas and clay to a soul-less being
A being in search of soul
With the canvas and clay.

The soul had its light, its hopes and dreams,
It had its vision and the drive
All lost along with the vessel

(She lived a life without a soul- suffocating, living half choked)

Now a being without the light, hope,
Dreams, vision and the drive
Learning to hope and re-building a dream .

Thank you for reading 💌

Dedicated to IvetteMartinez01 who made my day yesterday😘

Shower lots of 🌠🌠🌠 and let me know your thoughts. I'd love to read your feedbacks💬 and comments📝.

Have a good morning and a good day
Lots of love and chocolates

Shining pebbles🌸

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