The Vampire

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You've stolen every part of me
My pride and my soul
Even the heart of my own

Touched them gently
Making me lose myself
And lose my mind

I borrowed your mind and soul
Lived your life
Liked your likes
Saw through your eyes

All were beautiful through your eyes
Even the darkest nights
And the scary caves

But you were still a mystery unsolved
A zigzag puzzle to be solved

I knew your name and your address
But didn't know   you
The real you behind those grimy face

I heard your words
Listened to your whispering
But hardly believed what you said

Well, the truth flashed through your eyes
But never spoken by you
Or never shown

You lived a lie
With a smile and a stare
Stare that wonder all around
But stick to the same place
And a curious mind

You spoke like you've never spoken
Or I've never seen you speaking
Even if you spoke
your heart barely spoke

Maybe afraid to show the true self
Covered by a false smile
And the rumours spread by you
The rumour that said nothing good 
Not even a single truth

Thank you for reading
#the vampire I met at the dark

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