Chapter 3 - Announcement

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"Are you still mad at me for what Avalynn did?" I ask my boyfriend when he ignores me. This blow! I mean, what type of man feels insecure after being lectured by that old hag! "Christopher!"

He stops walking before turning his body to face me. "What she did to me was not acceptable for a man. Screw her and your new life."

I sigh. This is childish! "Chris, your lucky she didn't forbid us from riding her plane back here. Just ignore her."

His face turns red. "What? Now your siding with that bitch? Don't tell me that little dyke manage to change you."

Now, he's getting on my nerves! "You know what? Screw you and your ego! Go fuck yourself." I've had enough and leave him alone. Maybe Avalynn was right. A man with a mountain ego like that better be dead in a ditch or something.

Hold on, why am I even thinking like that old hag! Ughhhhh! Her negativity is starting to rub off on me!

"You look like you're about to go crazy." says Mary, my best friend and roommate.

"Oh, I am."

Mary's the only person aside from Christopher who knows about this marriage.

"I thought that you were going on a lovey-dovey trip with Chris for a whole week. Why come back fighting?" She asks as we walked through the campus.

"Avalynn happened. I don't know how, but she knew that Christopher was following us. It was such a bad trip, but Santorini was amazing!"

We walk to our first class together, and immediately, all eyes are on us. Some are even whispering to each other as their eyes never leave me. What's wrong with this bunch? Did I forget to zip something up? Is it my face?

I want to ask Mary, but she beats me to it when she leans in. "Seems like your trip to Santorini made this bunch wonder what you were doing."

"Hey Nicole, did you meet anyone famous? I heard that the famous model Avalynn and her sister Veronica were in Santorini as well." Asks one of the boys.

"Yes. Avalynn is so hot I wouldn't mind being her slave!" Adds another boy.

I think she would like that. If only they knew how evil and sadistic she is.

"My real question is how was it possible for you to even afford to go to Santorini. I smell something fishy going on." says one of the girls in class. Seriously, what's a gal girl like her doing in this class?

"Hey! There's no need to be hostile." Mary supports me."

I thank her with my eyes, and suddenly, I hear my phone ringing. When I answer my phone, even Mary is gawking at me now. "Hello?" I say into the phone.

"I told you to bring the car. Why didn't you?"

Ugh. I really should save her number. "I told you I will not use that overly expensive car to go to uni! It's bad enough my classmates are asking me about Santorini and seeing me with this phone." I whisper.

"Why are you whispering? Anyway never mind, my butler will send the car later on. Make good choices."

I don't have the chance to protest before she hangs up. I scream mentally and wish for that hag to be burned alive! Why can't she just let it go about my transportation! I could just call for Kelly or hitch a ride with Mary if I want to go somewhere!

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