Chapter 30 - "A New Path."

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            "So? How is she?" I ask Alice.

            "Vanessa?" Alice asks this other doctor who comes to see Nicole's state.

            "That's the worse case of acid burn I've ever seen. It's not just the skin. It even burned its flesh. It's a wonder how she can still be alive."

            I really don't want to hear that part, honestly. "Can you both please tell me if you can do something about it?"

            This Doctor turns to me. "Can you please have a little patience, Milady? I'm not a machine. You know. Let me think."

            And this is the world top surgeon? Jesus!

            "I need to know how it looked before you treated it. Was it just all red or ... bubbling?"

            Bubbling? I turn to Alice.

            "It was bleeding and bubbling. When she was sent to me, her state was critical. She couldn't even breathe on her own. We were lucky to even manage to get her to breathe on her own."

            Vanessa turns to me. "To be honest, all I can do is cover up the badly burned flesh and tissues. I have a friend who's a specialist in making artificial skin. That's all we can do for her in this situation. Because of the amount of acid that was poured on her, I'm sorry I can't do anything better than that."

            Mother of God. Why does my Nicole have to endure so much??

            I sit on the armchair and just think for a moment. I can't think of anything for now. I need Rina with me.

            "Alice, can you ask Rina to come here? I don't think I can handle this alone."

            Alice goes to get Rina from somewhere in the estate.

            I feel a hand on my shoulder before I look up to this doctor.

            "I'm sorry. It's the best I can do. In time, new tissue will replace the badly damaged ones and ..."

            "And she has to live her life with that scar to remind her of what had happened to her. That's not how I wanted her to live her life when we said our vows. I'm beginning to think that marrying her only caused more harm than doing any good for her."

            Suddenly Rina appears in front of me with her face all red. I don't know what happened to her when she slaps me hard across the face.

"Take it back. Take back what you just said about marrying her. You're not supposed to say stuff like that WHILE SHES INSIDE THERE, TRYING TO BE POSITIVE ABOUT EVERYTHING!"

I am taken aback when she yells at me. But, she's right, I was being such a bitch. We agreed that we only will think about the positives from now on, and yet, I was being negative. "I'm sorry. I was not being myself. Alice told me what I should know. Are we even doing the right thing? Not telling her the real situation? I just don't know what we should do by now."

            We turn to Vanessa.

            "I suggest that you explain to her the real situation. It's best that way. Besides, we do need her signature for the surgery since she's not in a coma."

            I sigh heavily. I really don't want to tell her any more bad news. She had enough of it. Rina takes my hand and leads me towards Nicole's room. I am reluctant to even meet her, but Rina pushes me inside. I muster up my most sincere smile I can do, but I'm failing to do so.

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