Chapter 28 - "Save her."

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            "What should we do now? We have to find her! God only knows what happen to her now!" Mary begs her future husband. Daniel grabs onto Mary's body and lets her cry on his chest.

            "I'll do whatever I can to find her. Please, love, don't forget that you're pregnant. I promise I'll do whatever it takes to find her." Daniel assures.

            "Of course, you will, or both Ava and Rina will have your head!" Mary shouts before pushing him away. "Why didn't you tell us about the real situation? I would've followed her to the restroom ..."

            Mary is interrupted by Daniel. "And what? Risk your life as well? No hun. There's no way I'd do that."

            One of the guards greets them both before bowing his head low. "I apologise, my Prince. We can't find any trace of Lady Nicole inside the restroom. We found something, but it doesn't lead us to her whereabouts." The guard shows the prince his findings inside the restroom where Nicole was last seen.

            "What is this?" Daniel asks.

            "An empty bottle of sleeping aid. It was believed that the culprit used this to make the lady fall asleep while they carried her out from the restroom." The guard explains.

            "Didn't you find anything from the CCTV footage? It's a public area after all. There should be some cameras that caught even a glimpse of them." Daniel asks.

            The guard can only shake his head. "None of the footage even showed any glimpse of weird looking people. We did ask the shopkeepers and any bystanders, but they didn't see anyone suspicious except for the time when the people who were inside the restroom were told to leave because that place needed to be cleaned."

That peeks Daniel's attention.

"And none of the people that's inside the restroom told this cleaner about Nicole who've might be inside the stall?!" Daniel pinches the bridge of his nose.

            "Your Highness, Kelly is here."

            Kelly walks in and greets the prince before the maid informs him that someone's on the private line.

            Daniel is reluctant to answer the phone since he knows that only Ava or Rina know how to call him on the private line. He's scared for his life when he places the phone to his ear. "Hello." He says lowly.

            "By now, I'm sure that Kelly's in front of you. Rina and I are on our way to Indonesia. I hope that once we arrive there our wife will be there happy to see us. If otherwise, I hope you order a nice, close mausoleum because you probably don't want any of your subjects to see your disfigured face once we're done with you." Ava hangs up leaving Daniel trembling in fear.

            He places the phone down on a table before facing his future queen. "This is the end. Isn't it? I'm going to die."

            Mary comforts her future husband as she hugs him.

            "You're probably going to have a headless body once they're here. You're lucky that I was at a business convention in Asia." Kelly goes to take a seat on Daniel's work table and places a laptop in front of her. "The wedding ring that Ava bought her was actually a tracking device. I can use the program our engineer created to pinpoint her exact location." Kelly informs the prince. "Just think of this as a mercy act from Lady Katharina since she's worried Ava might go overboard when she finds out that you haven't even found a single clue where to find her," Kelly adds as Daniel finally sees a new purpose in his life.

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