38. Children of the Street

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Lying beneath the tree,
He tried to have some rest
Dressed in rags so thin,
Unfortunately, he also lacked a cozy nest!

Beside him were the scattered dry twigs
Waiting to be gathered and fired
Alas, he didn't have a matchstick
Thus, failed to get the heat, much desired.

Shivering in the chilling weather,
A torn and thin shawl he wrapped
His only saviour against the winter
But today, it wasn't proving of much help.

Involuntarily, a sigh escaped his lips,
And rubbing his hands, he pondered
How to survive the freezing weather
In search of a solution, his eyes wandered

His dawdling eyes rested on the sky,
Glowing with the moon's and the stars' light
But of what use was that light to him?
It didn't offer heat to fight the cold's bite.

A gust of wind brought his thoughts to rest
And he tightened his hold on the shawl
Cursing his fate and destiny,
He curled up into a tiny ball.

Attempting to sleep once again,
The poor beggar closed his eyes
But then, a dog started howling,
Putting an end to his futile tries.

The poor creature was shivering too,
He noticed to his dismay
Such was the cruelty of the winter,
It seemed like the doomsday

A thought struck him then,
And a smile crept up on his face
Getting up, he went to the dog,
And took it in his embrace.

Both of them were homeless,
But still they were bonded together
They were the children of the street
Together, they could survive this weather.

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