65. Trapped

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In a lone night,
In some unknown world,
Silently, he walked on,
With no one to share a word.

It was the land of ice and snow
And the night was full of darkness.
The colours of black and white
Perfectly reflected his life's dullness!

A gust of wind came,
Making him shiver slightly.
It was pretty cold out there,
Still it felt comforting.

Even though he was alone,
He felt relieved in his own company
At last, none was there to judge him,
And he didn't want the morons to accompany.

Moving on and on and on,
At some point of time in the night,
He sat down, tired of walking,
On a huge rock lying in sight.

And it was then that he heard,
A sound echoing in the quiet
Thump, thump, thump, came the noise,
And he dared not make any noise.

Brain was signalling him to run,
But legs didn't seem to understand
Glued to his position, he was,
As in front of him, a giant came to stand!

Eyes went wide with shock,
As he took in his size and appearance.
Built to the size of a mountain,
Icy bricks were carved into brilliance!

'A Snow Monster!', his mind registered,
As his eyes were still stuck on him.
And that's when he heard a whimper,
Shocked to realise that it escaped from him.

But then that wasn't all for tonight,
For that's when the giant roared,
"You're trespassing on my land,
And for this, you'll have to pay, HARD!"

Trembling all from top to bottom,
The man mustered up all his courage.
"B...but who are you?", he asked meekly,
Trying hard not to fuel the giant's rage.

"I am the monster of loneliness,
And this is my lonesome land.
My peace has been disturbed by you,
Thus, you'll remain isolated, till the very end."

Saying this, the monster turned
To start on his journey back,
But before going on any further,
Twice, he clapped his hands.

And just as the claps echoed,
Boring, the night remained no more.
Rising from the snowy earth,
Came walls in the directions four.

Just like the monster,
The walls were also beautifully designed.
Leaving a window feets above,
At the top, the four walls joined.

A pyramid-shaped prison,
In a land full of snow.
How he was going to survive,
He didn't really know.

Wind too couldn't come in,
And now, it was just him and his gloom.
Even the silent night seemed to pierce him,
He wanted to escape from this prison room.

Banging on the walls of loneliness,
He fell down in despair.
He was trying hard to break free
From the punishment so unfair.

Silently, tears filled his eyes.
Trapped, he gave a cry of anguish.
But sadly, there was none to hear him,
In this land, alone, he'd diminish.

But then he heard some noise,
A noise that sounded like a knock.
He looked here and there, found none.
But then, a voice followed that knock.

"Hey Buddy, look up, here, at the window,
How did you trap yourself in there?
Anyways, together, we shall find a way.
Just do not worry and do not fear."

The voice sounded oddly familiar,
Though the face wasn't that clear.
But feeling that he had got a saviour finally,
He shouted,"Of the monster, beware!"

"There's no monster out here, my friend.
It's just your mind playing a game.
Trapped in your own mind, you are.
Your depressing thoughts, you only can tame."

Listening to that voice,
The man got lost in his thoughts.
Suddenly, everything made sense,
As he connected all the dots.

If it was a game of thoughts,
Then to escape, he had to play the same.
To fight loneliness and despair,
For positivity, he had to aim.

And then, finally understanding, what to do,
A grin formed on his face.
Thinking of stairs in the wall,
To the window, he raced.

Escaping from the mind's prison,
He finally knew who helped him.
When his negativity had become monsterous,
He, himself had helped him.

A/N: Sometimes in our life, when we face difficulties, sorrows, criticism and what not, we start thinking negative about ourself and at some point of time, that negative grows to such an extent that it becomes a monster and we get trapped in the walls created by our own mind. To escape our mind's prison, we only can help ourselves. To fight negativity, positivity is needed. And someone else's motivation might not have that effect as self motivation might have. So YOU need to help YOURSELF.

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