24. Stars and Stories

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Sitting by her window
She gazed at the twinkling stars
Wondering about their beauty
And the stories they're telling

Stories that were unknown
Stories that were unsaid
Had those stars peeped into
The stories of those dead?

What those stars had witnessed
From their highly magnificient seats
What those stories wanted to tell
To which she had never paid any heed

Had the stars viewed from above,
Those folktales and folklores live
Did all that actually happen
Or were they just stories that people recite?

Had the stars too felt afraid of
Those dinasaurs and giants
About which she had read in books
That they were strong and terrifying

Did the stars have answers
To what those conquerors thought
When, to fulfil their desire to rule the world,
They saw their own men being shot

Had those stars mourned for
Those species getting extinct
Which the man had slaughtered
To cast himself as important and distinct

Could those stars see from so far
The pain being afflicted on weak
By the rich and the strong
Their ego surpassing the highest peak

Surely the stars had seen it all
For they were there since centuries
Alas, they were many light years away
So their stories would always remain mysteries!

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