27. Baking a Poem

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He wants me to cook something
So that he can satisfy his hunger,
But won't the kitchen catch fire,
If I enter it to cook anything, I wonder!

I am a disaster in cooking,
But he loves those sweet cakes
What can I gift him instead,
So that I won't have to bake?

Then my heart says 'Words',
Seek help from them!
If you are able to play with words,
Gift him a poem then.

Liking the idea instantly,
I turn towards the words.
But to my horror,
They're running to another world!

But I have to gift him something,
So, I take a net to make a catch
Grabbing and bringing back those words,
I persuade them to rhyme and match.

So dancing and twirling with the words,
I bake a poem in my creative kitchen
Matching and rhyming, I play with words
I then decorate my gift with a beautiful ribbon

Satisfied with the outcome,
I serve my poem in front of him.
As I stand anxiously, watching him read,
I see a smile being etched on face of his

Seeing that joyful smile,
My heart takes several flips
Oh, what would I not do to
Paste that beautiful smile on his lips

To paste a smile forever on those lips

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