Your First Day of School

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         Today was your first day of school! More specifically, your first day of Pre-K. Sadly, this was not a fact that made you excited or gleeful in any way; you were anxious. You were scared to meet and talk to the other kids, especially since your father had very much stressed the fact that this was apparently different from talking to or seeing the kids in your neighborhood. 

    If it was so different, what was different about it? What was it going to be like? Would it be scary? Was this really that important? 

   You had no expectations and no way to think about how this experience would turn out. All you were aware of, was that you were very scared. 

      After a 14 minute drive, you arrived at the Pre-k place.  

   Getting out of the car, you both hesitantly walked into the building. The shouting of young children was horridly loud and angry. Many kids were fighting over blocks, space, or simply items in general. 

    "Here, see? It's not so bad." Your father said, patting your head. Honestly, you've seen worse. 

     You weren't convinced. You didn't want to stay here, not even for a few hours. 

   "You'll be alright." Your father said, squatting down to your level. "Now have a good day." He lifted up your bangs and pecked you on the forehead before standing up and beginning to leave. Before he even had one foot out of the door, your entire body had latched itself onto his leg. 

    "Where are you going?!" You yelled. 

   "Uh... Home?" 

   "You aren't staying with me?" Tears pooled at your eyes. "Are you leaving me here forever?" 

   "No, I'll come and pick you up in a few hours. You can wait 'till then right?" Your grip only tightened. "You'll be okay. Now, let daddy go." 

    Your grip lightly loosened in defeat. Shaking off your arms, your father continued his way to the car whilst you waited inside the school for him to pick you up. 

    ~ 5 minutes later~ 

     Sitting by your lonesome, you had finally accepted the truth. He had left. He wasn't coming back. He'd said '...I'll come pick you up in a few hours' and he wasn't back. He had abandoned you here. 


          "Are you sure it'll be fun?!" You asked. 

      Looking up to his car mirror, your father nodded, "Sure! There'll be other kids to play with so you should have a blast!" He said. 

       Although he told you that, he could only hope. When he was growing up, from elementary through some of middle school he had been bullied and teased; from what he could remember of Pre-K, it wasn't that much better. He didn't have many friends and he was usually reserved, too. 

     He wasn't entirely sure how your experience would be. He had faith in you, however. He had faith that you would make friends and enjoy at least some of the activities there. "You're gonna wanna go everyday!" He knew he may have been pushing it with that statement. 

     Once you finally got there, you clung to him like a sticky loli-pop. "Why don't you go play with the other kids?" Your father urged. 

    Although hesitant, you began to inch toward the others. After you traveled half of a step, you ran back to him and pulled on his hand. 

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