You're getting a sibling!

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"Hey (Y/N), I have a surprise for you~!" Makoto cooed, finding you in the kitchen. "Here, open this!"

Your dad handed you a small present covered in (f/c) wrapping paper with a little bow on top.

"What is it?" You asked.

"Open and find out," He replied, taking a seat next to you and eagerly watching as you opened the gift. Makoto had bought you a cute, blue shirt with the letters, "Big Sis!" written in pink, bubbly letters. 

You peered inside the box and looked at the item skeptically. He got you a shirt? 

You put it on over your current outfit because it seemed rude not to wear it, but you didn't get why he was so excited about it. "Do you know what that means?" Makoto hummed. You pulled the shirt away from your body before staring down at the words. 

"No? I can't read." 


How did he forget that? "Oh! The shirt says "Big Sis," on it. Do you know why?" 

You looked back down at the words with a new sense of understanding, "I'm going to be a big sister?"

"That's right! Right now, mommy has a baby in her tummy, and when the baby's ready, it'll come out and be your little brother or sister," Your dad answered, "Isn't that cool?"

"I guess," You shrugged. Makoto then began a deep conversation about how he and your mom will always love you and that this new baby doesn't mean they will love you any less or that they will love the baby any more. You were pretty chill with the idea of a younger sibling, and you didn't really need the speech, but the sentiment was nice. 


Chihiro made a new AI program. The program's now your baby sister. Some type of analysis program, you weren't told what. Or rather analySIS. Yeah, I got jokes. 


Jk ^ we're not done with Chihiro yet. Sorry Byakuya fans, he's further down. Continuing with Chihiro~! 


 Since you were an only child, you didn't really have people your own age to play with at home. You saw how everyone else had a sibling to talk to and hang out with, so you started getting a little jealous. You kept talking about how you wanted a brother or a sister, and that got Chihiro thinking.

He was an only child, so that's all he knew, but maybe you should get a sibling so that you aren't too lonely. Chihiro thought about watching after two kids, and although the thought was kinda scary and draining, he also started to feel excited.

But then again, you were the light of his life—his literal pride and joy—so maybe having another one wouldn't be so bad. He decided to try and adopt, choosing to fill out all the necessary paperwork whenever he wasn't working.

He wouldn't tell you about his plans until after everything got approved because he didn't want to risk getting your hopes up in case he was rejected.

Lucky for him, he was approved, and the adoption process was well under way. He met quite a few kids, but there was only one that he instantly clicked with and that he knew would be the peanut butter to your jelly. 

Anyway, he finally gets the child, and she's about your age—maybe a year or two younger. He thought it would be cute if you two met as friends first instead of siblings, so when he brought his new child home, he introduced her to you by saying he found you a play date buddy. You two hit it off immediately and played for the whole night just like he thought you would.

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