The make up!!!

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Alexis's P.O.V

i am scared of what Abby's gonna do to my face. what if it looks bad and what if it looks like a clowns make up.

~15 minutes later~

"So what do you think?" Abby said to emily.

"Wow! it looks amaze! she will love it!" Emily replied

I looked. It looked good! Emily was right! I had a smokey eye, mascara, blush, sparkles for your face, and contacts because I have to wear glasses!

"Wow! I look hot!" I said

Abby's P.O.V

I have to say she did look good. but was it good enough? I don't know so I called one of my friends.

(J~josh[the friend]-M~me)



M~hey josh! can u do me a favor?

J-sure what is it?

M-it is my friend, Alexis. She just got a make over and I want your opinion on what it looks like!

J- okay I will be there soon!


J-whoa, wait where does she live?

M- oh yea I almost forgot! 9850 jersey rd.

J-k later!

(End of call)

~authors note~

Hey it's me Alexis the author! sorry if it's boring and sorry I didn't update a chapter yesterday I was busy! just for that I will update another chapter today for you guys! until next time! byyeee!

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