Chapter 1.

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Betty's POV

Finally moving into my new apartment, Veronica found the apartment and let me just tell you this , she has great taste .

She told me there is a surprise waiting for me in the apartment , so I am excited to see what it is .

The apartment is already furnished thanks to Ronnie , she's seriously the best , I've packed my things and finally I am moving to New York .

I am wearing some ripped jeans and a yellow t-shirt , and adidas sneakers .

My sense in fashion is not horrible its just my sense in fashion .

I am still not fully packed I have 4 more shelves to pack but okay I'll get right to it , I started putting the things in the brown box , and I did the same with the second but the third shelf had so many memories of me and my ex-boyfriend .

The last picture we took  was on his best friends wedding day , in the picture my shoulder is on his and he is giggling and his dimples are showing , I had my hair done and my dress because it was his friends wedding , and on that day we went to our house had a beer and watched Harry Potter.

When he left to go to the bathroom his phone started ringing and I saw that he had a picture of a girl well him and her are kissing , and her name is sleeping Blondie .

He always called me that and when I answered it I didn't make a noise and then I heard her voice , she was so happy and said " Hey babe , when are you going to leave your friends house you know the Betty girl , I really want to cuddle and watch some movies " She was so happy but I was the one who was broken .

After a few seconds of realizing that he's been cheating I said " And who do you think you are ?" She giggled and said "I am his fiancé don't you know? we are having our wedding in 3 months " I quickly hang up the phone and tears started to form in my eyes .

He came out of the bathroom with a smile on his face and when he looked at me his face expression changed and he started jogging to reach me , I quickly stood up and started punching his chest , he just stood there asking "What happened ?" I stopped punching him and bit my lip saying the most heartbreaking words I'd ever thought I'd say to the love of my life , well who I thought was " We are Over " he stood there completely silent not moving from his place .

I rushed threw the door as I remembered all of our fake memories together , how could he look at me with those shinny hazel eyes and his cute little dimples without me noticing he was lying .

I still carried our picture every time I moved from place to another , and I'll let it go when I meet a person who's honest with me and opens up .

I placed our picture inside the box and sighed , it's been the toughest year of my life , and I still can't forget the lies he told me that actually slipped threw my mind .

I finished packing the shelves and got a text from Veronica telling me if I wanted to hang out I told her yes so now I am going to get dressed in something really cute , I got a light pink skirt and a white crop top,I looked at the mirror and said to myself , I look fabulous.

I walked threw my apartment door and saw two people sucking each other's faces , that's one of the reasons why I want to move out .

I called a taxi to come pick me up and drive me to the Sunshine Mall , it's Veronica's favorite place to meet in so I went there .

I looked around the coffee shop and saw Ronnie waving her hand and went up to her and hugged her very tightly since I am moving away and she said " good morning Betty it's so good to finally see you " I laughed " Ronnie you saw me 2 days ago don't sound like my mother ".

"Oh come on , let's leave this coffee shop and go shopping and by the way since you are moving to New York you should get a new fashion style " She said looking at my outfit .

" oh come on my outfit is absolutely fine , why would I need a new one ?"I asked very confused crossing my arms across my chest , " well I lived in New York and some people actually judge your clothing style , since you know they think they're trendy and some stuff " I giggled and said fine , well I would love to get new clothes that won't hurt anybody .

We walked threw the first shop and came out with one bag only , oh boy it gets worse each time we enter a shop we add one bag into our hands , I have now 13 bags and begged Veronica to stop walking because my hands and legs hurt like hell.

It's like I've been exercising for 40 years without stopping , yes I am joking .

Anyways we finished our journey to the mall and went our separate ways, I went back to my apartment and she went back to her apartment.

It was an amazing day with Veronica but I'd love to have another day with her too.

I changed into my pajamas and went to bed ....


My alarm went off really loud and I jumped from my bed , I then went to the bathroom and had a quick shower and all the basic stuff , I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich.

I scrolled threw my Instagram and whatsapp and I got a lot of messages from my sister Polly saying to be in touch and that kind of stuff.

I love her so much , I got to my bedroom and wore something Ronnie bought to me yesterday , I thank her for letting me buy this it's so beautiful.

It's a yellow sweatshirt and white ripped jeans , yes I know basic but it did cost a lot of money , I wore my white adidas shoes and started putting my boxes in my car , it's small but all of my things are already there .

I got into my car leaving my apartment and smiled , I did have a lot of memories in it but now I am going to make new ones in my new place .

I finally got there after 1 hour and a half of silent driving , It's boring honestly , I put on my headphones and started listing to "Young and beautiful by Lana del ray"

When I got there I started moving my boxes in the apartment , it's quite huge not gonna lie , I finished placing my boxes and saw two pare of hands pushing me on the wall as my back almost broke , Jesus that hurt , I opened my eyes and saw a guy who isn't wearing a shirt and thank god is wearing pants.

I saw another person at the back a woman without a a shirt , Jesus who are these people and why are they both in my apartment  , "What the hell are you doing in my apartment ?"Said the guy pretty pissed and I pushed him away .

"I should be asking you the same question , because I live here " He rolled his eyes and looked around he saw 8 boxes on the ground and ran his fingers threw his dark hair .

Dear god don't make this person live with me I don't need more boy drama in my life because I've had enough ....


A new story yay!!

Yes I know it's not Captainswan but I decided to begin something new , I get it if you don't want to read this book and I respect that.

But anyone who actually watches riverdale please give this book a try I'd appreciate it .

My name is Maria , and I am 13 years old and I have a wild imagination (lol I don't)I love writing even though I suck at it , but it makes me feel happy when I am sad , I try making something good and I hope you enjoy it.

I love you so much and thank you for giving this book a try .

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