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Celeste POV
" I mean what else do you want me to tell her Celeste ? The girl will be 19 in 2 days for crying out loud , she's not a little girl anymore ." Anthony said to me .
" I don't know Ant but I don't think she's ready to know about that lifestyle yet . I want to keep her as innocent as I can ." I replied back with a little sadness in my voice .
We're not the parents Hennessy thinks we are . We don't work 9-5 somewhere at a hospital or an office . Hennessy's father, Anthony, has been apart of the drug game since before she was born and he is now in charge of his own drug cartel, Cuban's Finest. For years we have been telling Hennessy lies about where we worked and how we made our money. Now on her nineteenth birthday her father thinks it would be a great idea to tell her the truth and I don't think she's ready .
"Celeste did you hear me ?" I heard Anthony say snapping me out my thoughts .

"No, what did you say ?"

" Look sweetie I know it's going to be hard and I know how she might take it but I also know how she's going to act if we never tell her . Everything will be fine. Her knowing about what's going will change nothing. I'm still going to protect my girls like I have been doing everyday . I got us ."
He said now standing in between my legs .
I looked into his eyes and at that moment I knew he was right. I nodded my head at him and smiled as he leaned down to kiss my lips.

Hennessy POV
I walked into the kitchen seeing my mom and dad kissing at the kitchen table and I couldn't help but smile at them. My mom and dad have been in love and together since their junior year in high school and I'm very thankful to have both of my parents in my life. My cousin Kindell never knew her father because he died 2 weeks before she was born I couldn't imagine loosing my father. I cleared my throat making my presence known .
"Goodmorning babygirl" They said together.

"Goodmorning" I said kissing both of their cheeks.

My mom sat my plate of breakfast in front of me before we engaged in conversation. After I ate I went back up to my room and laid across the my bed . It was summer so I had nothing to do this early in the morning . I pulled out my phone to FT my favorite cousin Kindell. She answered on the 4th ring .
"omgggggg Hennessy why are you calling me this damn early." Her face popped up on the screen with her purple bonnet on.

"Girl chill it's not even that early , it's only 9:27 . I said matter of factly.

"I don't have time for your smart ass mouth early this morning guh so what's wrong ?"
That's the thing I loved most about my cousin she knew me like the back of her hand. "Hen girl for real what's up with you?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts

" I have this bad feeling like something terrible is going to happened really soon. I don't know why Kin but I feel it I feel it in the deepest part of my heart and I don't know what to do." I sighed

" Look everything is going to be fine Hen. Your nineteenth birthday is in 2 days and we all know that Aunt Celeste and Uncle Ant is going to go all out for you. Then it's the summer for God's sake Hen ITS SUMMER" she chuckled . "We're going to have the time of our lives like every summer" she continued. I got you li baby."

" Thanks Kin , I don't know why I feel like this but your right I'm freaking out."

"You cool girl soooo let's talk about this outfit your going to wear on your birthday."

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