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Friday August 19 2012 8:30 am
Hennessy's POV
A sharp pain went through my stomach waking me up out of my sleep for the 3rd time since last night. I popped my eyes open holding my stomach. I sat up slowly swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I pushed my self up and as soon as I stood up water started to trickle down my leg. I looked down trying to see the bottom half of my body but failed. The pain came and again and hurried and sat back down on the bed.

" KINDELL !!! NADIA !!! THEY'RE COMING !!" I yelled through pain

I didn't hear any movements so I picked up my phone and dialed Kindell's number first and hung up them dial Nadia's . A few minutes later Kindell walked in rubbing her eyes.

" This better be imp- " she stopped seeing the position I was in " OH MY GOD ! AUGUST IT'S TIME !!!!!" she jumped up excitedly running out the room and coming back with a wide eyed Aug

" Okay we gone get her downstairs y'all just throw on something and call Eve." He said rushing over to me wrapping one of my arms around his neck

A few minutes later I was being carried down the stairs by Aug and Q. Everything was moving so fast and I was in so much pain . They placed me in the passenger seat of Ro's black Escalade before they all piled in. We sped towards the hospital while Nadia called and informed the nurses and Kindell called to tell aunt Eve.

Dillan's POV
I was in the mall running a few errands with a friend of mine for later on today. I was walking out of the jewelry store when my phone started to vibrate from my pocket. I picked it up seeing it was my wife.

Phone Conversation
Me - Yes sweetie ?
Me - Had some business to handle . Just take your car I'll meet you there
Me - Oh I was already gone baby. See you there.
Ended Conversation

" We got to go if this is going to go right. Hennessy is in labor ! You got everything ?" I asked

" Most def "

Hennessy POV
2 hours had went by and I was now laying in the hospital bed waiting to reach 10 cm. My heart was beating fast and I couldn't relax . I was excited but I was also nervous. I was about to give birth for the very first time with two babies. My mind kept going to my parents and Roman and how they were suppose to be here. I pushed the sad thoughts to the back of my head and decided to focus on the positive. I was sitting in the room with Kindell, Nadia, Aug, Q , and my aunt Eve getting pictures and videos recorded of me. Penelope called and said they should be landing by 1:00. I was hoping the twins weren't going to wait that long to come though. It was 10:43 am and I was only 5 cm . The doctor came and gave me the epidural 43 minutes ago.

" Poke your lips out ." Nadia said

" No . Why ?" I asked looking at her crazy

" Your lips are ashy. You can't be laying up in here looking any kind of way." She said giving me the same look

" I don't know who worse. You with the lip gloss or Kindell with the flat irons ." I mumbled before puckering my lips

The pain was bearable now so I could try and get me some rest. I grab my ice cup and started to crunch on it watching scared famous re-runs. I ended up falling asleep and I was woken up to the sound of a group of people talking. I blinked my eyes opened and looked around. I saw Penelope and DeShawn were now here but I also saw this man with a little boy I didn't know. When they noticed me woke Aug spoke .

" Ay suh, this Donte and his son Donterrius. The ones Roman was telling you about ." He said

" It's a pleasure to meet you. Roman talked about you everyday." He said walking over to hug me

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