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Sunday July 1st

Hennessy POV
I got out of Roman's arms careful not to wake him up. Usually I would be the one still sleeping but I had a girls day out with Kindell today and we needed to be out early cause we both could spend all day pampering ourselves if you let us. We were going to the mall, to get mani/pedis, and to get our hair done. It was 9:15 in the morning. I texted Roman letting him know why I was gone before I kissed his cheek and left.

Roman 😩💙 Morning 😊😘 . Girls day out with Kindell maybe we can meet when I'm done ??? sent 9:15 am

I pulled up to my aunts place and went to go get ready. I saw Kindell sitting at my vanity. I don't know why she was always at mine when she had her own. Aunt Eve wasn't rich like my parents were but they always made sure her and Kindell was stable. She had a nice 5-bedroom house and a nice car. I walked in my room and into my closet having conversations with Kindell.

" I can't believe you " I said laughing my ass off while flipping through hangers in my closet.

" What ?" She laughed " The bitch really want to be you so I helped her out that's all ."

" We ain't gone never be able to go out without drama now . She gone want some get back . She so petty to be so grown." I said

" Right ? Ain't she like 21 ? But so what ? Drama is my middle name and you know I ain't letting nobody fuck with you Hennessy. For you I'll smile in my mugshot and you know that." She said putting mascara on

Every since we were little Kindell always had to fight for me in Elementary. I never had to fight in my life after that since we moved to the rich side of town and I started going to private school when I was in the 4th grade. My mom and aunt fought all the time side by side when they were growing up. I don't know why I wasn't like them .

" I know Kindell and I'll do the same for you."

I picked out something and went to go do my hygiene. I started to think about all Kindell has done for me . I hope I wasn't letting her down and I hope she knew I would have her back too. I got out the shower and went to do a natural look to my face. I got dressed and yelled to Kindell that I was ready. We left the house and headed towards the mall first. The mall was packed already and it was only 10:30 but it was the first of the month so I was expecting this. We found a parking space and walked through the mall. We went into Aldo first. I loved their bags and shoes . I got a couple things out of their and Kindell did too. We went into a couple more stores and by the time we were done it was 1:25 and we had at least 20 bags a piece. We went to the food court to eat and I seen I had a text from Roman .

Roman's POV
When I woke up I had 8 new messages. I straightened up the movie room and went to go get my day started. I had to go check on the bar since I left early last night and I had to go make sure everything was going straight at the warehouse. I took a shower and got dressed. I put on my white Gucci shirt with my dark jeans and my white high-top Gucci shoes . I made sure I had on my 5 chains and my Rolex . I checked my phone reading the messages.

Genesis - Let the bitches who you babysitting  know they better watch they fucking backs. sent at 3:42 am
Genesis - You too sent at 3:43 am

Bee - So is that your girlfriend ? sent at 8:00 am
Bee -  I'm sorry for what I did at the bar 😩. I was just upset that you had this girl in my present and you introduce her but not me and I'm the one who's possibly carrying your seed . Sent at 8:03 am
Bee - I don't want to be on your bad side Roman. You know that's not me I was just jealous. Sent at 8:04 am

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