Chapter 3

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"What do you want, now that I'm sitting?" I say to him with a stern look.

"Come on John," He smirks at me, "I just want to talk to you. I feel like we can connect now that my dear brother has passed. I know we never got on real well, during my brothers existence, but maybe we can now."

He was being sincere about this, what did Sherlock's death do to him? Well the company can be good during this time. We all cared for Sherlock, mostly Molly and I. If I really think about it, it's a good deal.

"Okay Mycroft," I say with a smile on my face being nice to him.

"Good, so I know you went to Sherlock's grave today. What did you tell him?" he leans in urging in to hear what I had to say. Mycroft runs the whole country but he doesn't know what I said, or does he and he just want to see if I will lie to him. I must avoid this at all cost.

"Nothing much, just that I miss him." I look over to Sherlock's violin gathering dust. "His death was so sudden." I look back at Mycroft. "I-I didn't ever expect him to die this way and telling me he was a fake. He wasn't, was he?" I ask Mycroft.

"You know what he was like. Sherlock was a different as a child. He always showed off, while I sat back and watched from afar, studying all my peers behavioral habits." He takes a sip from his tea. "It was quite funny when we were children. He wanted to be a pirate." He puts the cup down. "Then teenage years hit and both of us had to be taken out of public schools. We caused to much of a disturbance, well that and Redbeard passed and Sherlock," There was a pause as if to look for the right words, "Well Sherlock never got over it."

They had to be taken out, were they too smart for it? Why did Sherlock all of a sudden like murders? I had a million questions running through my mind, but the one that came out was, "A pirate huh?" Good one John Watson, good one.

Mycroft gave a slight laugh. "Yeah, he was a child though didn't have his brains yet."

I could just see Sherlock at the age of four in a little pirate costume for Halloween. "How did he get into solving crimes?"

"When he was about fifteen he had a love interest, the person got murdered and no one could find the killer. The person I was at the time, I just ignored him and didn't help him through it. He started hiding his emotions, doing drugs and living in solitaire. Although he did drugs he remembered every book, passage, everything about anything. Maybe, If I had been there, he wouldn't have done this." Mycroft lowered his head.

All because of a love interest Sherlock became out like that? It also sounds like Mycroft was blaming himself for Sherlock's death. "It's not your fault for his death Mycroft." I say putting my hand on his.

"I know, it just boggles my mind." He starts to get up. "Well I must be on my way."

"Right, thanks for stopping by." I give him a awkward tap on the shoulder.


It was getting late in the day and I decided to take Mrs. Hudson out to dinner. We were walking back and she was asking me all these questions. The recent one was, "How did you get all the money?" I didn't know what to tell her. Do I tell her the truth, oh I found it on Sherlock's grave; yeah, because that doesn't sound mad.

"Uh, Mycroft gave it to me today." I lie to her as we walk down the street. It was a cool night for it being close to December.

"Really?" Her eyes went wide at amazement that 'Mycroft' did that. "I thought you two never got along."

"Yeah he said that this was his apology for the past two years. Mycroft wants to be friends with me so he though this was the way, helping me pay the rent." I look over to her and smile.

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