Chapter 5

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I go to the floors below me and down the hallway to the mourge, where she was at. I burst in the door to pick her up. I take glympses around and finally spot her in there. She had her aburn hair in a side braid and her hand holding a metal bowl holding a brain. Her green eyes catch me standing there, starteled Molly sort of jumped, "John how long have you been in here?" Her breath was short and slim.

"Just a momen, I just got here. Is that a brain?" I said steping closer to her.

"Yes it was a cancerous tumer victim, let me put this down and we can go out to lunch." She walks over to the counter during mid sentance, she sets the brain in this glass minifridge. Molly slips her white coat off and looks at me with a small smile. "So John where are we going to eat at?"

"How about the cafe by my place. Sure its a little away but its a nice place to eat, I haven't eaten there in a while. Not since- well you know." She nods as I speak that last part. "Well lets go, when you're ready." She was absolutly beautiful today, I don't know if it was the lighting, or her injuries that were looking semi better. Sure she wasn't all gussied up and put make-up over it so it wouldn't look too bad, but she was just the way she glowed in this light. Molly grabs her jacket. We get out the door and grab a cab.

There was a bit of a awkward silence between the two of us, we didn't make any small talk we just kinda sat there. Anytime we got caught looking at eachother we would turn away or just give eachother an awkward smile. Finally I broke the ice, well tried to.

"So, Molly, how have you been since the Sherlock thing?" I ask her, she frowns and looks away from me. Great going you goof, you just screwed this date up.

"It's been hard." She says with sadness bewing within her eyes. "You, well everyone knew I liked him. I don't know if he knew that, and now I-I can never tell him that." She starts having tears brewing in her eyes. Great job John you made her cry.

I rub her back and comfort her, "No, no, no, you can go and visit him. He does have a grave where you can go to and get the things you have been wanting to say off your chest."

"I have, it dosen't really help to well." She wipes away her tear and turns to me. "Sorry I am bringing the date down."

"No, it's okay I shouldn't have brought it up." I smile at her, causing her to give me a weak smile.

"Right, so how have you been since Sherlock's fall. Just to see how it is from his best-friends stance." She smiles at me.

"Well okay, I go to his grave and tell him whats been going on. The first month I was a wreak and slept in his bed, but I started having nightmares about the fall and I stopped sleeping in there, I- Miss. Hudson told me to go to his grave and talk to him. She said she did that when her husband died, sure he was a drug dealer and made a ton of killings, she still loved him."

She placed a hand on my shoulder gently to the touch. The warmth of her hand went to the tingle of my body, soothing, comforting in every way possible. "Is that the same reason you go to Sherlocks grave?" I look at her with surprise and shock into my eyes.

"I-I love Sherlock, in a platonic way, nothing more than that. He never would have loved me in a romantic way anyhow." I let out a sigh and look out the window to calm myself down from the hurt. "He never loved anyone." I breathed out.

"Well then maybe you could forget him through me." Molly says trying to get me back into a romantic mood. Moving her warm hand from my shoulder, to my inner thigh sending chills through my body.

I broke the mood with the car stopping and I rushed myself out and on the pavement, not wanting to move things too fast with her. Molly takes me by the arm and we walk in to the café, walking past drape red tarp above the outside and pass the black chairs. Molly starts holding my hand, this feels so wrong, I don't like her like this. She and I like Sherlock more, she made it more aware to him than I did, but we are doing this so we can move on from him. Something is holding me back saying not to do it. I set her down at our table.

"So John, speaking of Sherlock, how did you feel about him?" Molly leans on her hands wanting to know.

"I felt like he was a good friend, no a great friend, and that he was always there for me. He risked his life for me and always wanted to save me. Sherlock was the wisest and best man I ever had the chance to know."

"That is really sweet of you to say about him." She looks around and sighs.

"How did you feel about him?" I return the question.

"Obviously I was mad for him," she smiles picking up her menu. "He had the mysterious bad boy flare about him, yet he looked like a gentleman." She gives a slight smirk.

I pick up my menu as well and look on what to get. They were simple meals, as what you would expect from a normal cafe. "I mean he was very mysterious and weird when I first met him." Finally carrying a conversation with her.

"The first time I met him he was this young bloke. More sheltered, didn't even know I existed until a few month before you came along. His first words to me are, 'You actually work here; in the lab? I thought you were the janitor this whole time.' Two whole months and he thought I was the janitor." She let's out a small giggle and the waiter comes to take our order.

After the date we go back to my flat. I really need to move out of here at some point or another. Probably in the next year I will have a new place to live. We walk up to the door. She has a shy smile on her face. "John this has been a wonderful date, maybe we can see each other again sometime." It was silent for a moment and then there were her lips on mine. This was a really weird feeling, sure I was used to kissing women but this feels entirely wrong. I pull away from her and she stumbles a few inches back.

"Molly I'm sorry but, but I don't feel the same about you. I feel that you are just using me to stay with Sherlocks memories, trust me I'm doing the same, but this feels wrong." I shake her hand and kiss her on the cheek. "Goodnight Molly." I say as I open the door to walk inside.

"You loved Sherlock, didn't you?" Molly calls to me making me stop in my tracks, "The way you talk about him, the look in your eyes, it's the same look that he gave you."  She turns around and walks down the steps and gets into the cab before turning back, "I'm sorry John," she gives me a sincere look goes on her way.

I close the door and walked up to the main room wanting this day to be over. I open the door. "Hello John," I hear a familiar voice speak.

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