Chapter 4

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I walk back to my flat all jittery. Mycroft paid for the tea and let me be on my marry way. I still think he is up to something, because lets face it. It's me Sherlocks companion/friend that always backed Sherlock up, even if that meant being against his brother. I think he is sending me on a wild goose chase of nothing. I bet the man isn't even real, a phoney that Mycroft hired. I sigh to myself, "Oh well, at least it might be true." I say to myself trying to cheer me up but all it did was make me feel worse. If Sherlock was still alive then he would have come around by now for his friends. I let my head droop to watch my feet. "Please Sherlock, please don't be dead, just for me." I whisper to myself. I felt a tear drift from my eye I wipe it and put my head back up to walk the rest of the way.

I was walking back to Baker Street. Sure, it was a few dozen blocks, seemingly, but it was nice enough to. My mind was wondering from possibilities of how Sherlock could have lived. There were so many possibilities, but knowing him he would pick the best and hardest one to do, that also made him look good. I smiled to myself about the times that I would compliment him on his intelligence and he would always smile and be surprised. I look back down to my feet as I turned. I bumped into a person who was going at a very fast pace enough to knock the both of us down. "Hey what the hell!" I say to the person as I stand up.

"Sorry I was in a hurry." She stands up and turns around and it was Molly. "Oh, hi John haven't seen you in a while." She says nervously. "Sorry I ran into you I was in a rush." She doesn't look me in the eye and tries to avoid eye contact.

"It's fine Molly, are you okay?" I say to her.

"Yeah fine, just- fine" She says trying to pass me but I stop her. She gives up and turns her head. Burns, a cut, and a black eye all puffy. The burns were right on her cheek they were boiled up and slightly bleeding, The cut was right under her eyebrow.

"Who did this to you?" I say to her looking in her eyes.

"N-no one, I was being clumsy and fell." She lies to me..

"No what happened?" I say more sternly.

"This guy, I was dating this guy, and it didn't end so well." She looks down. "He was a mistake."

"Yeah lets get you in the flat and I can patch you up." I put my arm around her and lead her in.


I patched up her eye as nicely as I could. She was sitting on the counter and flinched every time I touched one of the burns. It took awhile and it wasn't the best but it was enough to keep it clean so it won't get infected. I take the gloves off and give her a pain killer. "There you go Molly this should help it."

"Thank you. I don't know how to repay you." She says as she takes a drink of water to wash down the pill.

"Well lets go to the police and tell Greg what happened to you." I say helping her down from the counter.

"No, no, no lets not do that. They would never find him. He's good at hiding and stuff." She says pulling away from me. "Let me repay you. Tomorrow, lunch? My treat."

"Sure Molly that would be lovely." I check my watch and get my stuff quickly. "Sorry Molly but I have to go do something." I give her a kiss on the cheek and leave.


It was starting to get late in the day and I had to be by the Northern part of Sherlocks cemetery. I grab a cab and get there. I run up to the grave stone and climb the tree hanging over Sherlocks grave. I got to the first branch and it was high enough. I lay in the tree and wait for the man.

Hours had past and no one has came by the sight besides a stray cat, I don't think that would be Sherlock. I was about to give up on the "man" and then someone in a long black raincoat and jacket over his head to hide the hair. He was tall and real thin, like Sherlock. He had long stocky arms and legs, like Sherlock. Even his posture was like Sherlocks. He stood over Sherlocks grave and cleaned it off and picked up the yellow rose that I had put there. He sniffed it and put it in his jacket. He patted the grave and turned and walked away.

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