Chapter 12

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Rosa's POV

Xavier ate luch in the library that day. The librairian was kind, and the space was quite and empty. Their collection was huge and old and smelt of aged paper and dust, the area was disorganized, especially towards the back, where Xavier and I sat.

Books filled the shelves, not separaed by a particular order and newspapers and records covered the floors, swept to the side creating a passage through the maddness. We sat on missmatched chairs and used our laps as tables. 

"How long do you think it will be until we see dad again?" Xavier questioned aloud.

'i dont know. Year maybe?'

"Naaaah, longer...he doesn't even know we're here." Xavier had always had a stronger relationship with dad, maybe because they could relate more or maybe that was just how it was ment to be. Dads and their sons, bonding. 

I opened my luch bag to see Xavier had packed me spaggetti that our uncle had made. It was my favorite thing on the menu, and my brother knew that. I brought the thermos up closer to my face, and blew away the steam that rested on the still hot meal. Deciding it was cool enough, I stuck my fork into the thermos, and took a bite. The savory tomato taste along with the pure one of the pasta was absolulty delightful.

I looked up to see my brother, stuffing his hamburger into his mouth. I grimiced. I wasn't a fan of meat you could say. I didn't see why we would find it okay to eat things that once had a life and family. 

"So, want to know a secret?" whispered Xavier. He loved secrets, I dont know why, but sometimes he was quite the gossip.

'sure' I signed, knowing that this was the only way to please him.

"Okay, so when I was seven-or eight? I dont know. Any how, when I was seven and a half dad told me the coolest thing ever."

'WHAT?" the suspense was killing me, Xavier would sometimes keep really amazing facts ablout our family tree all stored up until a year or two later when he wanted to tell me.

"So get this..because our powers are so strong, they block out other werewolf, you know um...powers.."

'say what?'

"So we can't talk with our wolf, but you know that. Also, this is the cool part. We can't sense mates."


'So they could sense us, but we, we just think they are any other werewolf."

'weird, so we could have me our mates, and have not even known.'

"Pretty much.." he said. I can't belive him. Does he seriously belive everything Dad says? Mates are part of being a werewolf, we can sense them...right?


 Reid POV

I walked down the crowded halls after lunch was done. The twins were on my mind, and strangly, I couldn't  STOP thinking about them. What did they look like? How did they act? Why did they cover their faces? And most importantly, why does everyone seem to be talking about them? 

"Those twins are so creepy!"

"I have to say, the guy is H-O-T hoooot!"

"It's like their clones, but ones a girl..."

Some found them weird, others interesting and some saw them as any other student. But all of a sudden, the loud obnoixious chatter stoped, and was replace with quiet whispers. I tried to find the source of the new silence, and my eyes contacted with to figures making their way around the corner. 

They were clothed similarily, in dark hoodies and pants, though the height difference was what was truly baffleing. What appeared to be the boy of the deuo was at least a foot taller than the girl, and he walked slightly infrount of her, leading her through the crowed. 

Their porceline chins stuck our from beneith the hoods, and a few strands of red hair flew our from beneith the shorter figuers veil. But what really caught me was the smell. As Ace had described it, but more beutiful and sweet. Then I realized the sweetness came from the girl. 

Everyone watched as the boy pulled the girl off to the side of the wall, where he opened a locker and shoved his books inside, along with hers. I watched as he spoke softly to her, and she responded with hand gestured. Wow, Ace wasn't kidding when he said she didn't talk. 

I saw Candy, one of our schools more worshiped girls, walked up to the girl and push her up against the locker walls. The boy attempted to rip Candy off his sister but was held back by two of Candy's "lovers" (lets keep this PG, shall we?). She started to slam he against the lockers, and I began to walk closer, intending to stop this if I had to, I would call my Beta, Clark, but he was no where in sight. 

As I got closer I heard what Candy had been saying to the girl. 

"Say something? Huh?" she yelled, but the girl stayed silent. "What's with the hood anyways?" she said ripping it off.

The brother broke free, but was a secound to late. But a secound was all I needed.

The girls hair was a beutiful deep red, and hung in waves around her porcelon face. And I looked into her big green, gorgeous eyes, before the brother snapped her hood back up.

But what had my wolf whispered to me as I starred into her eyes?



Hope you liked that, sorry I was a bit ate to update.. busy week!

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