Out of the Woods and into a small town[2]

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Hope you like!!!! And pleez can I get some ideas for a better title? I dont like this one but I can't think of anything else.


Chapter 2

He was wearing black jeans with small rips in them and a plain gray T-shirt. He had brown hair and eyes, and looked to be around my age. I drank him in because it had been so long since I've seen another human, especially one as hot as him.

"What are you doing in my forest?" I inquired.

"YOU"RE forest? More like MY forest. My dad just bought all this land I was just checking it out until I found you out here. Now I would like you to get off my property before I call the cops."

I just stood there dumbstruck.

"MOVE!!!!" He demanded.

That finally woke me up from my trance. " I've lived here for two years. Two fucking years with no rich daddy to buy me everything I want and spoil me rotten. I've had to fight for my food. Sometimes its a struggle just to stay alive. And then you come along and try to take away my home! So NO! I will NOT leave!" I exploded.

" You call this a home? More like a dump! How do you stand this!?!" He yelled right back. It was pretty much a dump with all the animals' stuff scattered around.

" It's the only thing I got, 'cuz unlike you, I dont have twenty-thousand vacation houses! And you think I LIKE this? It's not like I can leave!"

"Can't leave? Why the hell can't you leave? Its easy! You just start walking and eventually you'll reach civilization!"

"There is nothing for me in civilization! No one cares about me there!"

"Your parents care about you! Even if you guys get in a big fight, they still care about you!"

"That's the problem! I don't have any parents! They died in a car cra-" I cut off there. This loser was not going to get me to talk about my parents.

"Wait, your parents died in a car crash two years ago?" He looked deep in thought. "Holy crap your coming with me!" He grabbed my wrist and started jogging off in the direction he came from, leaving me no choice but to jog along side him. While I was jogging, I could swear I could see all the animals staring at me calmly, almost happily, hidden in the bushes.

After five minutes or so, we reached his house. It looked as if it was just pulled out of a fairy tale, with stone going up to the double doors. Big white pillars went up and came together at the top of the second story. The right half had a circular room and a tower, while the left sides' rooms had more of a square look. He barely let me look at it before he pulled me inside. He half dragged me up the spiral staircase to a red closed door, which he barged into without knocking. Inside was a study with a man who looked to be in his 40s sitting at a desk cluttered with papers. He had brown hair streaked with gray and hazel eyes.

"Austin, why did you bring this rat to my house?" The man, who I assumed was Austin's father, spat without looking up from his work. " I do not like to have strangers in my home." His voice had so much power and authority in it I was tempted to just walk out of his precious home, which he so obviously wanted me to do. But I didn't want to be humiliated like that, so I stood my ground.

"I'm sorry father, but I found her in the middle of our woods and she said she had been living there for two years."

The man sighed, " I suppose I should deal with this. What's your name, girl?"

" Rebecca Jade Anderson, but everyone calls me Becca."

Austin gasped and his father finally looked up from his work.

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