Out of the Woods and into a Small Town[4]

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sooo here's chapter 4. hope you guys lik and pleez comment, vote, fan!!!!


"OHMIGOD! IT'S BECCA!" a voice yelled from inside the car Jake was standing next to. The window started rolling down to reveal Marie-Jane's shocked yet excited face.

"MARIE-JANE!!!!" I screamed in enthusiasm. Marie-Jane was one of my besties from before the car crash. I missed her so much!

"Becca, we all thought you died!"

"No I'd been living in Dead Creek Forest for all this time, until some rich hobos apparently bought the whole freaking forest. Austin was scoping out the land, probably searching for a good spot to build his 5-star resort, when he found me, and now I'm living with them."

"Oh my god! Those 'rich hobos' are the Coopers! The richest people in town! And that Austin you're talking about, he is superrrrrr hot!!!! Not as hot as you though, Jake." She kissed him on the cheek.

"Wait, you two are going out? Since when? I always knew you two would make a good couple! Tell me everything!" I felt so left out of everything that had gone on in the last two years.

"That can wait. Right now, you are coming with us to the party at Katy's house. Everyone's gonna be there. They'll all be sooooo happy you're back!" She enthused as Jake, being the gentleman he is, opened the car door for me. I hopped into the back of the silver convertable.

"Wait a minute," I froze, remembering my curfew. "What time is it? And what about my car?"

"Uhhhh, 10:30, and after, Jake, the designated driver, will drop it off at the Coopers," Marie-Jane checked her phone.

"Perfect," I smiled. This night was so perfect, so far!

All of the short ride to Katy's house, we sung to the radio. I didn't know any of the songs, so I just kind of hummed out random sounds.

We pulled into the driveway of Katy's beige one-story house, and a felt a rush of adrenaline from getting to see everyone again.

A guy who looked vaguely familiar holding a red plastic cup opened the door for us.

"Hey," He was starting to slur.

We were ushered into the house, and I saw that the party was already in full swing. I made my way over to the kitchen to get some booze.

3 cups of beer later, I was all out drunk. I was grinding on a new guy every few seconds, and I kept seeing people I recognized. I was about to move on to a new guy, when somebody pulled me into them. The guy's lips brushed mine when I looked up to see who it was.

"Wade? Is that you?" I asked. Or at least, I hope that's how it came out.

"Yeah, babe. Good to see you back." Judging by how much he was slurring, I figured he was just as drunk, or maybe even more drunk than me. He broke my heart, which caused the death of my parents, but I was way to drunk to care. I had even more beer as our grinding got more and more explicit, and when he started to lead me toward the hallway, I was too tipsy to resist. The last thing I remember was being led into a bedroom.


Ooooh Wade! I only mentioned him briefly before, but just in case u forgot. he brokeup with her thru a txt, causing Becca to cry out, and her parents to swerve and die.

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