Chapter 3

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Here's the next part. sorry its been so long since I last uploaded!


The next couple days went by in a blur. Wake up. Do my hair and makeup. Hang out around the house. Do any other activities Father or Austin requested. Eat. Go to bed. It was all the same, until Monday morning.

I didn't actually feel the nerves until I was in the car on the way to school. The radio played some song, but I wasn't really listening. I was too deep in thought about high school. To be returning again after two years was really scary. I wasn't worried about the academic part, Betsey was pretty smart and she had taught me all the way up to college level stuff. I was worried that the people here wouldn't accept me because they were already in their exclusive little cliques.

Austin pulled into the parking space, and we got out of the car. I was hoping he would show me around and introduce me to people here like he did at the banquet, but he was quickly pulled away by a group of supremely hot guys who must be his friends. One of them whistled at me, but I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the office.

"Hi! Welcome to Appletree High School, Rebecca!" the waaaaay too cheery office lady enthused. She then rambled on and on about pointless things she said I would need to know. I was tempted to cut in and tell her, "I'm not stupid. I've been to high school before," but being the polite teenager I am, I just nodded and pretended to listen.

When she had finally finished, she had already taken up half of my first period class.

"Oh my! You have to get to class! Don't want to be late on your first day!" Ugh what an idiot. She had already made me late.

After escaping from her, I rushed to class. English with Mrs. O. I opened the door as she was talking about some book.

"Glad to see you're joining us, Miss......... Anderson," she crossed her arms. "Take a seat anywhere."

I could tell I was not going to like her. There was two open seats. One by a kid picking his nose(Ewwww!) and one next to Julianna. Yaaaaay, someone I know! As I sat down, someone threw a note on my desk.

You new here?

I looked around to see who threw it. The dude behind me winked at me. I nodded.

"What's your name?" He whispered. His voice is sexy.

"Becca. What about you?"

"Luke," Not only is his voice sexy, but he is hot!

The rest of the period (which wasn't that long thanks to the stupid office lady) we talked to each other.

The bell rang, and Julianna introduced me to all her friends. Melinda, Nicole, Jenna, Taylor, Marie, and her boyfriend, Kyle.

The bell rang, and half of us went one way, and half the other. I had Nicole, Taylor, and Marie in my next class. Looking around, I also saw I had it with Luke. We sat next to each other, and talked again.

Things went pretty smoothly, and just before lunch I already had practically a thousand new friends and 12 guys' numbers, including Luke. At lunch, I sat with Julianna and her friends. Suprisingly, Luke came and sat with us too.

Lunch was the perfect time to scope out and see what this school has to offer, people wise. I noticed there was a large variety of people here ranging from loners, to totally popular. A group of seemingly popular guys walked by us and said hi to Luke and winked at him, probably thinking he was trying to score one of us. Not too shockingly, Austin was in that group. He totally pretended he didn't know me (probably trying to look cool in front of his friends. hehe what a poser)

Nothing extraordinary happened the rest of that day, or the rest of that week, for that matter, until after sixth period (which I also had with Luke, and Julianna too) on Friday, when Luke asked if I wanted to go on a date with him tonight. I played it cool, enthusiastically but also calmly saying yes, even though in my head I was jumping up and down with joy.

"Cool, I'll meet you at the movie theater. 8 o'clock, " He smiled.

On the ride home with Austin, I wanted to tell him about my date, but he brought a sl*t home with him, so I was demoted to the back seat, watching her disgustingly go all over him, even when he was driving. I wanted to vomit.

When we got home, I immediatly went to Father.

"What?" He asked.

" Well, umm, I'm kinda going on lik, a date with this guy from like, school, and umm we are gonna meet up at the movies, and, umm, I was wondering if I could lik, you know, borrow a car?" He makes me so nervous! When I get nervous, my total Californian accent comes out, and I say "like" and "umm" a lot!

"Yes you may, and we'll see about getting you a permanent car soon. Just ask Austin for his keys. And just so you know, I have a curfew of 3 a.m.," He calmly stated back.

Wow that was easier than I had thought! But, there is a hard part to everything, and in this case, it's getting the keys from Austin. I was about to knock on his door, but from the nasty sounds coming his room, i knew I needed to find another way. I went down to the kitchen, and wow! right there on the counter! How easy was that?

I left a note telling him I was going on a date and Father said to use his car. Now it was preparation time.

I chose my outfit, simple but sexy, and started on my makeup . I was the only girl here besides the maids, who don't wear make-up, and there was still enough make-up here to supply an army of girls strong enough to take over the world. I went with a dark purple eyeshadow that brought out the purple spots in my shirt. I left my hair down in its natural straightness. I was ready, even though it was only 7. Crap, what am I to do for about an hour? I turned on some music and read some books.

When it was 8 o'clock (finally!) I left for the movies. As soon as I got there, I saw Luke. He looked really hot in his dark jeans and white fitted Tee.

"Hey," He said. He looked like he wanted a hug, but knew I wasn't a slut and didn't want to take things too fast. I went ahead and hugged him.

The movie was great. We shared a popcorn and large soda, and at the kissing scene, we kissed. It was so romantic, with the lights all dimmed and the cheesy romantic music playing in the background. Luke is so sweet. After, we decided to hang out at the park on Saturday. We kissed goodbye and started walking in opposite directions to our cars.

I was almost to my car, when a very familiar voice behind me called out, "Becca?"

I turned around, "Jake?"


Ooh, who's Jake! Pleez comment, vote, and fan. Sorry if this chapter kinda sucked.

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