Chapter 5: Finn

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As soon as our squadron of pilots makes sure the skies are clear, we call in the B-Wing, full of some of our important members, for their safe landing at the now ruins of a once magnificent structure. Even from above, you can see the smoke rising from destroyed TIE fighters or the building itself. You can see the rubble and debris scattered everywhere with the white armoured corpses of the Stormtroopers that sprinkled among the chaos of destruction. It's a horrible sight and yet it was a necessity and a price to pay in war.

I look out to the lake, the peacefulness and stillness of the scenery juxtaposing the violence and turmoil that lay directly next to it on one if its shores. I love flying but I hate fighting. But in order to survive and bring back peace into this galaxy, fighting is what we have to do. We have to fight for what we know is right even though we know it's something we don't want to do.

"We'll be clearing outta here in fifteen minutes. Stay sharp in case another attack happens," the familiar voice of my brother snaps me out of my thoughts, having my eyes dart around the open air around me.

Each one of us pilots loop our X-Wings around above the ground while below us, the important representatives of the Resistance assess the level of destruction caused mainly by the First Order and making sure that the survivors are tended to in the best way that they can assist them in fifteen minutes. Why a short amount of time? Because we know we can't linger for too long and we know that the stakes are higher now that we know that the First Order has created a weapon that could destroy multiple planets at once. There's also the risky possibility that they know of where the Resistance Base is located on D'Qar and will target us next; thus the need for swift return in order to plan an attack on this superweapon in defence for our existence.

Nothing happens within the fifteen minutes longer that we're on Takodana. The civilians are evacuated from the area safely and there aren't any more commotions that need attending to. But me, Poe and the rest of our squadron find ourselves escorting, not only the B-Wing, but another ship that we're told is an ally and a friend who can help us out a great deal. From the sounds of things, General Leia has the most history with this new ship, cause me to trust the newcomers despite having trust issues.

This whole small fleet make our way back to Base immediately and make no delays in landing our respective vehicles in our designated areas. Jumping out of my X-Wing, I jog over to Poe's X-Wing, with BB-6 by my side, and wait for him to fully emerge from his X-Wing before the two of us embrace.

"Thanks again, Poe. And nice save," I thank again with a big smile on my face.

Kissing the top of my head, he replies "No problem, Claudes. And thanks."

We break away from our sibling hug when a technician comes up to talk to Poe seeing if his X-Wing need any minor repairs. And that's when something catches my eye, something that I have to take a double-take on looking at to see if my eyes are deceiving me. And it turns out both Poe and 6 are just as stunned as I am.

Rolling around and through the legs of our fellow comrades is the little droid we all know and love, that we're all worried about; BB-8.

"BB, my little buddy!" Poe exclaims, like as if the whole weight of the universe had just been lifted off his chest, while kneeling down on one knee.

BB-6 shares her relief at the same time as he while I also kneel on one knee and rest my hand happily on her head. After a few chirps from BB-8, Poe's face brightens up more at the news his newly returned droid has just delivered.

"Finn found you? Where is he?"

At that moment, my brother looks up to look around. But he only looks in one direction before he finds what....or who....he is seeking. Without a moment's hesitation, Poe stands and starts running in that direction, leaving me with the two BB's. I stand as I observe the unfamiliar person that looks to be around Poe's age, run to meet Poe half-way. This must Finn, the Stormtrooper that helped my only family.

Stepping a little cautiously, I walk and usher the two droids beside me to stand beside Poe after he and Finn have a fleeting catch-up, which I see my brother tell Finn that he can keep the jacket and give Finn the sort of pat on the shoulder he'd only give to those he knows are truly good people. This is when Finn looks to me, puzzled.

Poe notices Finn turning his gaze to me and peers at me while wrapping his arm around my in a tight brotherly hug, introducing happily "Finn, this is my little sister, Claudia. Claudia, this is Finn, the Stormtrooper who helped me escape."

"Nice to meet you, Finn. And thank you so much for saving my brother," I greet, extending my hand out to him in a friendly gesture.

Finn looks at my hand for a moment, slightly confused, before taking it and replying "Any time."

I give his hand a gentle shake before our hands return to our sides. Things go silent as I notice Finn subtly looks like he is trying to remember something that he needs to say.

"Poe, I need your help. Is there someone I can talk to about rescuing a friend of mine?"

Poe nods before the two of us, along with our respective BB droids, start to hurriedly lead Finn to where Leia is normally found on Base: the Conference Room. As we jog down the steps, I immediately find it's a bit noisier and crowded than usual as more high ranked officials huddle in groups to talk about the most recent crisis of Hosnian's destruction.

I never do well in crowds but I don't focus on them, I can't focus on them; I have to focus on what's at stake and not an insignificant fear. Which eases my anxiety a little.

"Excuse me, General Organa," my brother starts after he, Finn and I spot the person we're looking for just as soon as she finishes her conversation. "This is Finn. He needs to speak with you."

The Force Sensitive turns and looks at the three of us, mainly Finn, while replying urgently "And I need to talk to him." Fully turning her attention to Finn, she adds with gratefulness "What you did was a brave thing. Turning your back to the First Order and saving Poe's life--"

"Thank you, ma'am, but my friend was taken by the First Order," the former Stormtrooper informs, making my heart sink for him and his friend.

"I know. Han told me about the girl. I'm so sorry it happened."

Thinking on his feet (as always), Poe pipes up "Finn is familiar with the weapon that destroyed the Hosnian System. He once worked on the Base."

Letting a hint of desperation mix into her voice, Leia acknowledges "We are desperate for any information that you know about the weapon. Anything that you can tell us."

"It's where they've taken my friend. I need to get there as fast as possible."

"And we will help you in any way we can to get your friend back. But you need to tell us everything you know."

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