Chapter 14: Help Us, Luke Skywalker, You're Our Only Hope

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After a while, Rey and Chewbacca pull us out of hyperspace and the view of a planet so blue with scattered green blobs appears in the cockpit window. It is a magnificent sight to behold, as we've never seen such a planet with this much ocean, but even with very few islands, we have no clue on where to start our search. But looking at it feels so serene that it draws out everything from my mind.

Following the guide of the Force, the Force Sensitive co-pilot directs us over the vast waters until the four of us reach probably the largest island on the planet. We finding a safe place big enough for at least two Millennium Falcons on a ledge right next to the ocean and we land safely. Making arrangements for Chewie and R2-D2 to stay behind while Rey and I trek up the steep stairs and pathways to the top, I ponder upon what Luke is like and what he'll say to us about training. There's no doubt in our minds that the top of this island is where Luke Skywalker is located but there are doubts that he'll train Rey and I after what Han Solo had told Rey when they first met.

My heart stings from the memory of Han's death as us two Force Sensitives start our time-consuming hike. It causes me to wonder if the person we're looking for knows about it through the Force or, if he doesn't, how he will react when we tell him. From the sound of Rey's recount of when Han spoke to her and Finn of this legendary being, Han and Luke were close back in the days of the Rebel Alliance and Luke's New Jedi Order before he disappeared. Both of us girls are asking ourselves millions of questions about this Skywalker, occasionally voicing one or another question rhetorically or like the other would know the answer; but, truth be told, neither of us knows more than the other of Luke Skywalker.

Tired and exhausted but refusing to let it affect us, Rey and I finally reach the peak and find ourselves on a small field with the odd rock formations. With only a small survey of the space, Rey points out a figure standing on the opposite side with their back towards us. The grey cloak seems weathered and slightly tainted from afar, but moving closer to the unmoving individual, it's actually in really good shape despite looking old.

But there's not time to fully study the grey cloak clad back as the person standing in front of us has seemed to detect our presence, slowly turning around before removing the hood. At this motion, Rey and I stop; taking a split second to figure out that this figure is the missing Jedi that everyone's searching for:

Luke Skywalker.

Without breaking her eye contact with Luke, my friend beside me takes out the lightsaber from her bag. No sound is heard but the sound of the waves crashing against the edges of the land filling the still air. Rey holds the lightsaber out in begging, a silent plea from the both of us to train us, to come back to the Resistance with us and aid us in this dire war. I sense that Luke doesn't even need to ask why we are here. The grave expression filling his face at the sight of the lightsaber, his and his father's lightsaber, says it all....

To be continued....

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