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"To the moon and back,"
You used to say.
Until SHE was HE,
You made HER sway.

They yelled in the halls.
You never knew why,
Until you knew HER inner brawls.

"I have a secret,"
Said SHE, holding you tight.
SHE started crying,
Despite all HER might.

"Go on, tell me."
"Baby, I can't!"
"Yes, you can."
Then started the rant.

"I'm not a girl."
You couldn't believe your eyes.
You both were crying,
Then came goodbyes.

"I can't do this!"
You shout.
HIS face scrunched up,
Like HE can't figure you out.

You walk out the door,
Leaving HIM be.
In a man's eyes,
Love you didn't see.

You wonder now,
'Is HE still a HE?'
Was it a good idea
That you set yourself free?

For Ceril
RIP 25, Dec 2016

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