Chapter 13

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*Matts' POV*

Today's the day. I'm either gonna be her prince charming, or I'm gonna make a total fool of myself. Either way, today i will ask her to be mine. I will dance with her, hold her close, and make her feel special. Then I'll ask her to go out with me. I'll tell her just how much she means to me, and that since the day she walked through Nash's front door she was the only thing I could think about. I heard a knock on my door. "Matthew, are you ready?" It was Andy's' mom. "Yes ma'am I'll be out soon. I'm almost ready."  "Okay, hun. Hurry though. We have to be out in 10 minuets."

  I finished adjusting my tie and opened the door to the other guys' room. We were all wearing identical suits with a baby blue tie. I haven't seen Andy,A dri, or Abby yet. All the other guys were already in the venue in their seats waiting for us to make our grand entrance. I was surprised at how many people showed up. Surprisingly many of her friends from Georgia showed up. We walked out of our dressing room just in time to see the girls walk out of theirs. She was wearing a dress identical to the color of our ties. Abby and Adri were wearing shorter, less poofy versions of Andy's dress. Andy looked amazing! Her hair wad curled and her makeup was done just slightly, trying to keep her natural look. But what I noticed the most was that Andy was freaking out. She looked like she was about to pass out.  She was pacing back and forth and was breathing heavily.I walked over to her and pulled her to the side.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She looked like she was hyperventilating or as if she was going to have an anxiety attack. "I don't know if i can do this! All my insecurities seem to flooding in! My anxiety seems to be through the roof. I-i feel fat, really short, un-pretty,..I can't do this. What if I mess up? What if they laugh at me?  This is very important to me." I hushed her. "First of all you're not fat! Don't you dare ever say that! Your perfect. You are perfectly perfect and nothing can change that. You don't have to worry about anyone. You look amazing, just like always. You don't have to worry about looking pretty cause Andy, your beautiful. And tonight, your night, you look brighter than any star." She was looking down, tears in her eyes. "Don't cry. Okay? No tears tonight." She nodded and wiped her tears away. She was so beautiful even when she was crying. "Andy. I love you." She looked up at me. "Matt. I think I love you too." Now was the time. I couldn't wait any longer. It was now or never. "Andy, will you go out with me?"

*Andy's' POV*

Did he just ask that to me? Did i imagine that? It seemed too out of the ordinary for it to be reality. When I see him starring at me deeply, I realize I didin't imagine anything. "Matt," I say hesitantly. The smile disappears from his face  and his eyes quickly float to the ground, breaking his gaze from mine. "YES!" I say. The smile immediately reappeared on his face, and he pulled me into a hug and twirls me around and puts me back down on the ground. From that moment, I couldn't stop smiling. "Andy! You ready?"Abby asked. I en-laced my fingers with Matt's and looked at him. " You ready?" I asked Matt. He put his arm out, and i took hold of it. "Let's do this." and he escorted me towards the door

   We walked in. Couple by couple. Matt and i were the last ones to walk in. We did our dance. I messed up a little. Then I was twirled to Nash and he caught me. He danced his part like a pro and I laughed at how rediculous his posture was. I was twirled again to Hayes and I almost fell while iI was dancing with him but he made it look like it was supposed to happen. I was twirled on final time back to Matt. He danced his part and he dipped me in the end. I danced with my dad, with my mom, with my grandmother who got very emotional, then the ceremonies were over. Now it was time for the party.

   I would causally look over at Adri. She'd always be with Shawn. He was definitely flirting with her, but she didn't seem to get the messege. If Hayes ever liked me, he was definitely over it. He was all up on Abby. They never stopped talking, or dancing with each other. The only time he ever stopped talking was when he walked up to me and hugged me from behind. He'd kiss me on the cheek and tell me "happy birthday" and "i love you". He was So sweet. Becca never left Jack. I had just met her the night before and she was pretty fun. She reminded me a lot of Jack. She had the same personality as him. She was so gorgeous she could be a model. She was really sweet, she even got me birthday present even without meeting. Becca and Jack G. danced and they were holding hands. But they snuck off to the bathroom 30 minuets ago and haven't returned. They seem to be serious. They've been dating for 2 years now and they make an adorable couple. Carter would hang with Matt and the other guys, and Cameron would hang around Adri. He'd hug her and be sweet; then i'd see his arm snake around her back and grab her butt time and time again. At this point I didn't really care for what was going on between them. He was a really sweet guy and Iove him, but he is older than her and I don't want to imagine the things running through his head. To forget about all of that I decided I would mostly be with my school friends who drove up. They did make a long trip just to see me. All, literally all of my friends, were flirting with Nash. It was actually quite funny. Everyone knew Nash. He was like the king of vine. And everybody loved him, everyone knew who was. He was funny, had amazing eyes, and if he wasn't so much of brother figure to me, I'd find him to be really hot. But Nash didn't seem intrested, but he was still really nice to them and he would take pictures with them.

    Out of nowhere, literally nowhere, Taylor asked me to dance with him. I didn't really know Taylor. He had come a few days ago, and we've had literally one conversation. The only thing we really had in common were bandanas, and surprisingly dancing. He was a pretty good dancer, if I do say so myself. He knew how to pop and lock and jam and break, he was really good. He then pulled me in close and danced to Merengue, suprisingly he was good at that too. I looked over his shoulder, which took some effort because I'm so short and he's tall (even in heels), and  I saw Matt looking over. I'm guessing Taylor saw it too. I'm guessing he thought it would be funny to slide his hands down further from my waist and place them on my butt. By the looks of it Matt didn't like that, and to be honest neither did I. I backed away from Taylor "What the heck?!?!?" He Snickered "Calm down babe, I'm just messing with your boyfriend." I kind of jumped. "Wait how'd you know?" he smirked at  me, "I didn't until now, when did that happen?" I swatted the queston away and we start dancing again. I look over at Matt again who seemed to be calm again. He was really cute when he looked jelous so I decided to experiment, "Tay, do it again." He chuckled, "Gladly." Just as soon as he did I noticed Matthew jolting up.  I start laughing and so did Taylor. We walk over to him and Matt looked angry, "Really Taylor?" I couldn't control my laughter. "Matt, we're just messing with you." Matt's frustration disappeerd and he laughed it off. "Dang, Andy! Don't play me like that!" "I'm sorry, Matt. You just look so adorable when your frustrated." He pulled me to him and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes. He then picked me up bridal style and spun me around. Go change into your other dress. I nod and go put on my party dress.

*Adris' POV*

It took every ounce of strength i had in my body to pull away from Cam.

After Andy was done babysitting, and keeping an eye on me, Cam dragged me out to his dressing room. He locked the door and connected his lips with mine. This was the second time this has happened, but I had a feeling something like this would happen again. I just didn't expect it to be here and now. I really like him and I wish this would've happened earlier. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wispered "jump" into my ear. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist not breaking the kiss. His hands would slide under my dress and grab my thighs, suprising with every inch of movement. The kiss was already very intense and it was getting more heated by the second. At that moment my brothers voice popped into my head saying things like, "I knew you would do this" and "Stop it, Adri." He was undoing his belt buckle when I suddenly put my hand up to his chest. I broke the kiss and looked up at him.

With every ounce of diginty I had I pulled myself away from him and pushed myself up to sitting position. "Cameron, no. I can't." He was completly understanding. He sat down and looked at me, "I'm 15, Cam. You're 18 nearly 19. Andy would never forgive me, and I'd never forgive myslef. I'm not ready, and I guess I'm scared." He looked at me sincerly, "Adri, you could've told me. I would've understood. I'm supposed to be the responsible one here. I should've thought this through I could get arrested. Adri I'm sorry, I took this too far." I looked up at him. "It's fine, Cam, honest." I got on my knees and planted a small kiss on his lips. "We should go back to the party." he nods in agreement. We both get up hand in hand and head for the door. "I really am sorry Adri." I nod and hug him. "Let's go."


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