Chapter 6

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*Nash's POV*

Why was I so naive to think that something like this wouldn't happen? I practically drag Andy out of the room and shove her into my room. I run back with so much anger in my eyes. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I say, all up in Carters face, "WHAT PART OF 'NO FUNNY BUSINESS' DID YOU NOT GET?"  I was so heated, I needed to calm down. I needed someone to hold me back, I was seconds away from back-handing Carter. "Dude, nothing happened. We were just messing around. No one touched her, no one hurt her." I was filled with so much fury. "Then explain to me what just happened-" Cam cut in. "What happened was; we were having a little fun. No harm was done.You need to chill, bro. When something does happen feel free to beat up whoever you want. Nothing happened though, so relax." I did. I released my breath and l my fists. "Sorry, Carter. Really man. She's just like my sister. She is my sister. I just don't want to see her get hurt." Carter cracked a smile, "I would never ever hurt her. And trust me, I won't touch her." "Nash...mama is  calling you guys down for breakfast. She made pancakes!!" I hear my little sister call. "Come on guys."

We all sat at the table. Hayes helped my mom pass out the pancakes. "So what are you guy's plans for today?" My mom asks us all. "I'm not quite sure. Do you have any recommendations? any cool places you think we should check out?" My mom thought about it for a minuet. " I think i might. Let me call up my friend, Alyssa, The one that runs the karaoke sports grill, and see what I can do." I nod and look at all the guys. " What do you guys say?" They all shout "Yeah!" We all dig in to our pancakes and then once breakfast is over, we all head in different directions.

*Shawn's POV*

Adri and decided to talk after we ate. Since we got along really well yesterday, we thought "Hey, let's go talk again?" Once we finished our pancakes Adri and I ran to the backyard. We sat on the old swing set. I pushed her and she giggled like a 8 year old. The we both swung to see who could go the highest. We slowed down and decided to actually talk. The next thing i knew Adri was tearing up. "hey...whats wrong?" I asked her. She tried to fake a smile and cover it up. "Adri, what's wrong?' She didn't try to hide it anymore. She struggled to get her words out. "You don't have to tell me, it's fine-" "No I can tell you. It's just- the memories. I havn't just sat on the swings since I was 12, and less; with anyone besides my brother. He used to talk to me. Tried to teach me lessons about life, and ask me about mine. Besides Andy, he was my best friend."I hated to ask but, "What happened to him?" She sighed, "After my mom died..he made some pretty bad decisions.He would get drunk and not come home for a while. My dad and him would argue non-stop. Then he left. Him and his friend were driving when he hit another car. The car accident something you would see in movies. His friend died instantly, but my brother lasted a few hours. He died in the hospital. He told me and made me promise not to let the accident destroy me." "I' sorry"  was all I managed to say. I've never lost anyone in my life. She lost both her mother and her brother. I saw her try to smile  "Don't be.Didn't you hear? I promised him i wouldn't let it destroy me. It didn't. He taught me so much. And i try to reference it as much as possible. You know, 'What Would Mark Do?'. He was a very important person to me. And he would've be a very successful person. He was accepted into NYU. He was smart, not just a drunk." She then started crying. I stood up and stepped over to her, pulled her to her feet and pulled her into a hug. Her arms went below mine, wrapping around my waist. While I put my arms around her back. She put her head up against my chest, and I rested my chin on top of her head. She whimpered and her shoulders would shake. I would try to calm her down and console her. Finally i felt releasing her grip and look up at me. "Thank you Shawn, this really does mean so much to me." She then starts giggling, "Sorry, for getting all emotional on you." I smile down at her and wipe the remaining tears on her cheeks with my thumb. "I don't mind." 

*Andy's POV*

I hung out with Nash after breakfast. I told him about what's going on back home. He told me how his life has changed since he started vine. I laugh at the thought of Nash getting surrounded by thousands of girls. I can't imagine how he'd handle it. "So Nash, this has been on my mind for a while and I just needed to ask. Why are the guys gonna be staying here over the summer?" He looked at me and said, "I knew you'd ask that sooner or later. Well you see, this summer all the guys and I were supposed to go to LA and Plan out a tour with our tour manager. But since you were coming and come every year, i stepped in and said we can plan it here. Starting towards the end of the summer, were gonna be going on tour. AND if things go well and  go as planned, we were hoping you and Adri join us on our first few stops." My eyes widened, "OH MY GOSH! When were you planning to tell me this? When you guys were getting on the plane? That's amazing! I can't believe it Nash, you've come so far with your career." "So your not upset?" "Why would I be upset if i would get the chance to go around the states with all you guys!" "I'm glad to see your excited for me." I wanted to call my mom. Not to tell her that I might get to go on tour with these guys, but because I havn't gone home since we got here. "I'll come back in a second, I should probably call my mom to let her know that I'm alive." Nash motions me upstairs and i go right on up.

As soon as i end the call with my mom I walk over to the window. I look down to see Adri all wrapped up in Shawn's arms. I 'aww' to myself. He seems to care for her. I think he's good for her. She makes him smile, i knew they'd be good friends. "Yea seems so, right?" I turn around to see Carter walking in. "what?" "I knew thry'd be good friends" he said mimicking my voice. "Oh, I didn't think I was speaking out loud." He walks over and points down at them. " He likes her you know." I look up at him. "You think so?" he scoffs, "Do you not see the way he looks at her? He's really into her ." I look up at him with hopeful eyes, "You think they'll end up together?" he scoffs again, "Not if Cam has anything to do with it." Once again I'm confused, "What do you mean?" he smirks and begins to walk out f the room, "She really didn't tell you what happened last night? Huh, some friend." he left me standing alone in confusion. It took me a second but suddenly off after him again. "Carter wait!" 

Okay, so Shawn likes Adri, Cameron likes Adri, Carter probably likes her too, and Nash used to like Adri. Yet none of this surprises me. I get friend zoned by all the guys, and she gets them all. Life hates me.

Chapter has been edited. Please re-read and give me feedback. Thank you guys I love Y'all!

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